Monday, January 09, 2023

 I didn’t get out – and it’s a pity, because it looked like a nice day out there. But I did knit, and now the hat lacks only three rounds of completion, and those three all in a single colour. Tomorrow should do it.


It was all due to the intervention of Providence. My iPad had failed to charge overnight, despite being plugged in. After breakfast and Wordle = it had enough oomph for that -- I plugged it in again. That time it “took”. But it left me with nothing to do but knit.


Helen came, but instead of walking we did a trivial but essential chore connected with the Income Tax. It’s That Time of Year again. I’m lucky to have her help.


Prince Harry’s book is promised for tomorrow. Surely I won’t have to miss my nap for that?


Wordle: I thot it was a proper stinker today, but I got it in five. We were all over the track: six for Theo and big Rachel; Mark and my brother-in-law Roger were with me on five. Then a bunch of fours. Thomas was the star of the show with three.


Mark says the NYT have taken his stats away and won’t give them back unless he subscribes. Why hasn’t that happened to me? Perhaps it is triggered by one of one’s columns reaching the right-hand margin. My lately-acquired discipline has slowed my fives-column down to the point where, as you know, the fours have overtaken it. Maybe Mark had a more distinguished run of threes or fours. I think when the Times springs that trap on me, I probably will subscribe, but don’t tell them. But it won’t be much fun without the group. We’ll have to put heads together.


  1. I look forward to your reporting on Harry's book.

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM

    You can use your iPad while it is charging,

    Elaine in NYC

  3. =Tamar3:20 PM

    I wonder whether the charger was fully plugged in. I'm assuming the outlet wasn't switched off. I recently found that a lamp cord had somehow been pulled so the plug was out far enough not to connect, yet hadn't fallen out.
    Anyway, congratulations on knitting the crown. A finished object to look forward to!
    P.S. I think it is wretched of the NYT to suck people in and then begin requiring a loyalty oath and your subscription details so they can sell them, push ads, etc. Who needs stats anyway? You could write yours down starting now - come to think of it, your stats are on the blog already - so who needs them. You could make a notebook chart of your own. One they can't take away from you. Harrumph.
