Saturday, January 21, 2023


I’m sorry about yesterday. All is essentially well – Helen is safely back from Perthshire, is the main thing. She found it pretty cold. Her husband David is here from Thessaloniki. Tomorrow is the slightly premature 60th birthday celebration. I have still done no knitting, but I sincerely hope that once I have assumed my festive costume tomorrow morning, I will sit and knit while I wait for my chauffeur. Archie and Mungo and Fergus are responsible for the lunch.


David and I share a birthday, and – almost better yet – he is 30 years younger than I am. So my 90th, in August, will be his 60th. Madhur Jaffrey, a favourite cook, shares my birthday, year as well as month and day.


Kate Davies has produced a brilliant essay on the colour green for the “Allover” club. Green has unfortunate associations because of the poisons once used to produce it. When I was young and carefree (never), sharing a flat in Glasgow with an Irish girl in the mid-50’s, I knit a small garment in green for Oberlin friends back in the US, and Anne told me that green was regarded as bad luck to knit for a baby. This seemed to me at the time an odd superstition for an Irishwoman. But it fits right in with KD’s essay. I have long since lost touch with those friends, alas, so I don’t know what became of the baby.


Wordle: I scored three yesterday and somewhat recovered self-respect. Everybody else did pretty well too. Today, we were all over the place again. I scored an undistinguished five in which I was joined by Little Rachel. Thomas – and he’s clever – needed six, which made me feel better. A scattering of fours. Ketki, Mark, and Big Rachel were today’s stars with threes.



  1. Rebecca in Minnesota2:04 AM

    How happy I am to learn you're a Madhur Jaffrey fan. She taught me everything I know about Indian cooking, and is the author of the best cookbook ever, World of the East Vegetarian Cooking. It's a never fail book that produces amazing food in easy to follow recipes.

  2. =Tamar6:21 AM

    Over here, to some people, green is a lucky color. Too bad it has so many off shades. It is hard to find a good grass green. Often the fashionable.shade is what we called poison green when I was young.

    Have fun at the party!
