Wednesday, October 18, 2023

 Still low, me and the weather both. It was sort of gratifying to see on today’s news that skies were no brighter in Tel Aviv. Thank you very much for your gloom-relieving knitting suggestions. I may return to them, and you’re absolutely right that we are reaching the time of year when colour is needed. Meanwhile I got a bit more knitting done today. No computer. No visitors.

I think Alexander and Ketki are coming tomorrow to share the doctor’s visit.

It turns out, just as I predicted yesterday, that Theo and his family are planning to nip over to celebrate Thanksgiving with their London cousins. So they could bring yarn if I ordered some for them. It’s a thought. 

Wordle: I had a hard time today. I didn’t use any Jean-words, and was unsustained, Mary Lou, by the corporate works. Five. Nobody else had much of a struggle. Two for Alexander, indeed. Three for Ketki, Mark, Theo and Thomas. Four for Rachel. Silence, again, from Roger.

I am glad to welcome your husband, Mary Jane, as an outlying member of our little group.


  1. I'm just starting the midwnter blanket by Martin Storey, a free pattern on Rowan. It' lovely.

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Five for me, too. Disappointing! Cam

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Have been listening to everyone's advice about colourful knitting and cast on a deep red hat. Then looked up Shandy's midwinter blanket. Oooh, that is so tempting.

    Sarah in Somerset

  4. =Tamar6:40 AM

    Keep on keeping on.
    Seasonal weather here in MD, but a chillier than I recall. 70 F day, 46 F tonight. It should warm a bit Friday, but then temperatures are predicted to go down even more until the middle of next week. Getting out the extra covers!
