Friday, June 21, 2024


A dull day, both inside and out. Not exactly the haar, but a feeling that just under those grey clouds was/is the blue sky the rest of the country is enjoying. And I have been feeling a bit battered myself, after a restless night.

    The news from Thessaloniki, however, is thoroughly good. Fergus was substantially brighter this morning, and discharge was expected. What about the gangrene, I asked? Perhaps it’s not like cancer and you don’t have to worry about sweeping up every molecule.

   I resumed knitting. Helen doesn’t think I need a round-the-neck light but a floor-standing one. So I ordered one. And I finished the purl round and embarked on the next pattern round, counting away. I think what must be happening is wavy feather-and-fan, but no lacy holes. And maybe, even so, I’ll be able to see it after a few more rounds. The stitch-reduction, alas, is insignificant. This is the borders of KD’s MKAL shawl I’m talking about.

   Wordle: guess what? I scored two! My first starter gave me four browns. I struggled. I eschewed at least one near-possibility that left one of the browns in its original position. I found it!

   Alexander was a fellow-two. Ketki and Mark three. Rachel and Thomas and Theo four. Nothing from Roger. Is he still struggling with Icelandic Airways?


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I would hope that F just had a regular post op infection rather than actual gangrene, but gangrene is a bacterial infection which would be treated with antibiotics. So nothing like cancer, either way.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    A two - WOW

  3. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Many years ago, when she was 15, my younger sister, now 62, came to visit me and developed appendicitis. I called the doctor who diagnosed period pains. I took her North on the train and my father rushed her to their doctor who said to take her straight to the hospital. It was a burst appendix and she heard them mention gangrene. She was ill for some time, lost a lot of hair but eventually made a complete recovery.

  4. Wordle in 2 would be a reason for 'everyday' celebrating, and Fergus' recovery makes it even better!

  5. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Congratulations on Two in Wordle.
    Glad that Fergus is ok. How scary that must have been for everyone!
    Sarah in Manhattan

  6. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Bravo to you for the Wordle in two! And yes, good news about Fergus’s recovery. (This is The Other Kristen)

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      I typed “brava” — autocorrect “fixed” it for me. Sigh.

  7. =Tamar10:32 PM

    Very glad to hear that Fergus is doing well.
    I hope the new lamp helps. Good lighting is important.
    It's so hot today in MD, it feels like being in the doldrums. They are warning of even hotter weather this weekend. Why don't we just switch to nocturnal hours for everything in summer?

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Congratulations on two! I had been worried about Fergus. Chloe

  9. I agree with Helen on the light. The round-the-neck is great when you have little control over the lighting, but if you do, a good daylight light is hard to beat.

  10. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Brilliant with Wordle! I have a floor standing light with an adjustable swan neck and it’s good for both knitting and reading. I got mine from Serious Readers.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Jan aka Knitalot
