Wednesday, June 05, 2024

 Lovely sunshine. Everybody says it’s cold, however. No more news of my sister, tossing about amidst the western isles with a bad cold. I am worried about her, and about my fragile lungs when she gets back. I’ve got through the whole winter without episode. The dr has given me a prescription for an antibiotic so that I can start it right away when trouble threatens. So far unused.

    Knitting progresses well. I’m now down to the last four long, long rows — and the new clue won’t arrive until next week. What a wonderful club! Except that now I’ve got to count stitches and adjust numbers if necessary. And also find some easy knitting to fill in a few days. I ought to go back to Fergus’ Calcutta Cup sweater, but that’s too much like hard work. 

   The references were to Kate Davies’ summer Margery Allingham club, the related MKAL in particular.

   Fergus had a grand time at the Dior show at Drummond Castle. The young men in kilts, including Fergus, were clearly on hand to hold umbrellas over models if it rained, but it didn’t. Most of them came from a model agency in Glasgow and got paid a lot. But Fergus was the one chosen to open car doors and welcome the famous guests. I haven’t heard of any of them except Emma Raducanu.

   Wordle: today my starters gave me a green consonant and two brown vowels. I struggled mightily — line three is always the tough one — and finally thought of a dim possibility, which Wordle accepted. I now had three greens and two browns so all I had to do was transpose the browns. Four for me.

   I was interested to see that Ketki and I had the same configuration in line three. Our line-three word — it must have been the same one — is a good deal more unusual than the right answer in line four.

   Never mind. My winning streak is now 40 and that’s all I care about.

   Mark had three. He’s awfully good at this. Rachel and Thomas four. Alexander and Theo five. Four for Roger, who of course is also tossing about in the western isles. 


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I'm loving this Club too although I'm running well behind with the MKAL.

    Glad to hear you have an antibiotic prescription in reserve in case of sudden onset of lung infection. It might be worth checking the use by date in case this passes and you need a replacement. Also was it one of the antibiotics which need kept in the fridge? It should say on the label. I got caught out that way recently which is why I mention it.

    1. Yes, my reserve antibiotics went over date one year; luckily I spotted it in time.

  2. Perhaps Fergus will be recruited!

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    As always, I enjoy your posts, even when I don't comment. And I'm a Wordle addict. My two sisters, my daughter and I compare results every day. After everyone has finished we post the results. Funny how sometimes we attempt the same word.
    It must be nice to have a visit from your sister. I adore both of my sisters and we three plan a sister's weekend every year. This year it will be in July in California and we will celebrate the middle sister's 80th birthday. We have actually included our brother. We will see how that changes the dynamic!
    Sarah in Manhattan

  4. Anonymous10:13 PM

    What an experience for Fergus! So neat to hear about the very strange world of high fashion.
    I am guessing you have had both an RSV and pneumonia vaccination already? Hopefully if not then these vaccinations can easily be delivered to you at home, as with COVID and flu in the fall.
    Keep very well!
    Lisa R-R, Toronto

  5. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I'm a big fan of Emma Raducanu. What fun to hear that Fergus got to greet her at the Dior show!
    -- Gretchen (aka stashdragon)

  6. Anonymous12:26 AM

    I found a link to an article about the fashion show
    Lisa R-R
