Saturday, September 21, 2024

All well. I am sorry to be so unreliable. I’m feeling pretty well. 

I’ve done some knitting — indeed am near the point when I will divide the work at the armpits. I must send you a picture soon, MaryLou. My eyes are bad, and won't get better but I think I can hold on and finish it. There’s a good stripey  shawl in KD’s shawl book. I could knit that again.

Helen came this morning. We agreed on being bored with constant news stories about Mohammed al Fayed’s predatory ways. (Why is he all over the news of a sudden?)  And puzzled as to why nobody mentions Dodi and Diana who must be on everybody’s mind.

   Helen believes they were murdered because they threatened a major embarrassment to the royal family. I am a devoted follower of William of Ockham whose prime tenet is that the simplest explanation is usually the best, so my vote is that it was an accident. 

  Wordle: four for me today. I’ve got my winning streak back up to 19, after a double failure on the first and second of the month. 


  1. Good to read you're knitting again. Bright yarn, easy patterns and big needles is my choice for autumn and winter.

  2. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Lovely to hear from you and glad that you are knitting again. Catriona

  3. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I'm sure that Perdita is happy to have your lap again.

  4. Glad the knitting is again moving along and glad you're perking up.

  5. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Good to hear from you, Jean!

  6. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Has anybody found the keys you lost when at your vacation home? Or is that mystery still waiting to be solved?
    You sound a bit brighter today.

  7. Eileen in Chapel Hill1:30 PM

    Lovely to hear from you, Jean! Must feel good to be knitting again.

  8. So glad to hear from you, Jean!

  9. =Tamar2:03 AM

    Yay! Knitting news is good. I don't know most names in the news, but everything here is being drowned out by rhetoric anyway. We had some rain most every day in MD. The weather is otherwise pleasant despite the humidity.

  10. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Always nice to hear from you! Enjoy knitting. Hope it’s restorative. Best wishes, Lisa R-R

  11. I look forward to a sweater photo!

  12. Anonymous8:57 PM

    So happy to hear from you and to see the photo on Instagram! Perdita looks contented.
    Sarah in Manhattan

  13. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Just checking back; sending warm thoughts and hope all is well. Knitsiam

  14. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Thinking of you and hoping you can knit on!

    Harriet in California

  15. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Dear Jean, it has been a while. I hope you are fine. Philhellene.

  16. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Another devoted reader checking in! I do hope all is well!

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Thinking of you every day Jean!

  18. Anonymous10:26 PM

    checking each day, with hope for your well-being.

  19. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Checking here, too, and sending all good wishes

  20. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Thinking of you daily. All is well here in MD.

  21. Anonymous2:43 PM

    prayers and best wishes from Ontario, Canada. Hope all is well.
