Thanks to the brilliant team assembled from my blog-readers, we've nearly cracked last Sunday Times's puzzle. Tricia in Michigan made the break-through. It's beginning to look as if we don't have to rely on "what-if" after all.
Knitting Miscellany
Joe says that the blog which has received the most votes, so far, in his Knitting Blog Awards competition, is one he had never heard of. I am waiting breathlessly for his revelation of the finalists. And note that hyperlink!

This picture of a Bolivian woman voting was in yesterday's Waffy. The pattern of her sweater looks extremely interesting, although my husband points out that in these days of globalisation, one can't be sure she didn't get it from VK or Knitty.
Two days left now in which to get ourselves to London. A couple more cards to write, many presents to wrap but thank goodness, none to post. Some of the multiple medicaments which keep my husband on his feet, to be collected from the chemist. Smoked salmon for Rachel to be purchased from our dear fishmonger. An attempt to be made to find clean and respectable clothes in which to present myself. The camera to be purged of unwanted pics and its battery charged. Knitting laid out to take, and a book to read. Woof!
With two more evenings to go, I should finish the main body of the side panels of the First Holy Communion veil. The centre panel goes on a bit longer. I'll post a picture before we leave. Not the end, not even the beginning of the end, but at least, the end of the beginning, as Churchill said of a battle whose name I know perfectly well but can't think of at the moment.
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