Sunday, May 14, 2023


Greyness again. One appreciates May all the more when it is so intermittent. C. came, and got me to Mass in fairly good order. It was good to be back. (We missed last Sunday because of wee Hamish’s third birthday party.)


I have done no knitting at all. Archie came, not long after C. left me, having whizzed around the kitchen to its considerable benefit as she usually does. Archie cooked a Mindful Chef lunch which wasn’t very successful – MC’s fault, not his. He has inadvertently left the kitchen window propped open and I find it rather chilly in there – n’er cast a clout ‘till May is out, as they rightly say. It wouldn’t take much strength to lift the window and release the tin of cocoanut milk which is doing the job, but it’s more strength that I’ve got.


Then Helen wanted me to write an account of how my husband and I used to clear the Famous Ditch of leaves every autumn (But how many was “every”?) We thought we were obliged to, but apparently not. This blog has, I think, established that 2012 was the last year we did so and it will probably turn out that the sequence was not nearly as long as I remember. My husband was 87 in 2012, and not in the best of health. I got to be nervous of going to Kirkmichael with him, unless someone else could come along.


It was funny and sad, reading those old blog entries, 2012 and 2013. How much I could do, only 10 years ago – how much Christmas, how much knitting, how much tending of my crochety and infirm husband. Now I'm hard put to look after my crochety and infirm self. 


Wordle: a dispiriting six for me today. However, it means that my “winning streak” now equals the longest I have achieved since the NYTimes started the clock again. My last failure was apparently BORAX on the 12th of April,  So, fingers crossed for tomorrow.


This was one of those interesting days when most of us approached the answer along the same path: grn, ???, grn, grn ??? and grn, gen, grn. grn ???. I had both. Mark did it differently, and had another one of his blasted threes. Alexander also scored three, after a grn, grn, grn, grn, ??? in line two. Ketki and Rachel had four. Five for Thomas and Theo. Roger joined me with six, having been stuck with grn, ???, grn, grn, ??? for a full three lines.




  1. I occasionally look back over earlier blog posts, and like you, wonder where all that energy went! I managed Wordle in 3 today!

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I failed at Wordle today — too many possibilities. This is Ivy in NH — I’m not sure why I’m suddenly anonymous.

  3. =Tamar7:16 AM

    It was pleasant enough out today, not that I went out. More cool nights are predicted for Maryland. I am torn between enjoying warm days and dreading the hot summer. How careless of Archie to leave the window open. Is there someone you can call to come shut it? The upstairs neighbor, maybe? It isn't safe for the cats either.
    Could you put a string around the can and yank it out from under the sash, or is it too tightly wedged? Or use a stick or something to hit the can hard enough to knock it outside?

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I thought about some can-kicking activity too. Maybe using your cane (presuming you have one). For such a short distance I don’t think it will hurt the window frame…Can’t believe Hamish is three already! Chloe
