Wednesday, April 24, 2024

 Serious sunshine today, although still seriously chilly. C. came in the morning.

   Knitting went well. I finished the collar of my Spalding sweater, and embarked on a sleeve. I did the first round wrong — knitting a round which I should have purled, after picking up the stitches. I am currently employed in unpicking my way around. Everything is harder than it used to be.

 Maureen (comments yesterday) I read Franklin every day on Youtube, and that’s where I saw  the picture of you and your husband. I probably saw  it on Monday.

   Speaking of comments, I was slightly disappointed that nobody lept in to tell me to buy one of KD’s MKAL kits. (Maureen had already advised me to do so, a quatr’ occhi as we say in Italian.) I still haven’t decided. It would be ridiculous.

   Wordle: we were back to the old threes and fours today. Except that my clever daughter Rachel scored a resounding two. Mark and Alexander were the threes. Four for everybody else, including the father-and-son pair in DC.


  1. =Tamar7:52 PM

    Chilly but bearable here in Maryland. It was very cold last night, but the sun helps a lot.
    Progress! Collar done, sleeve begun!
    Sympathy for the unpicking. I once tried to knit a small object in multicolor patterning with no errors and I did a lot of unpicking. It was worth it for the result, but tiresome.

  2. Well let me add my voice to Maureen's - it will be a nice diversion since you aren't going to Lourdes. I am making an Emotional Support Chicken, jumping on the bandwagon. It is not the sort of project I normally do - my excuse it that it will be good preparation for the short rows class I'm teaching soon!

  3. are thinking about buying more yarn? :)

  4. I'm always THINKING about buying more yarn!

  5. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I sometimes buy more yarn - I shouldn't
    Anonymous Janet in Seattle
