Tuesday, January 26, 2021


All well. I found myself very old-lady-agitated, when it came to the point, about the prospect of going out to an appointment. Any appointment – I think getting to a theatre for the start of a movie would have had the same effect. I can’t remember the last time I did that. All went well. I’ve seen pictures on the news of oldies queuing in the rain, but we didn’t have that (except for the rain). I wish Helen could have come in and taken a picture of the Actual Moment – but here I am, at least, emerging. It was the Astra Zeneca vaccine, and they will call me back for a second dose one day. It won’t make any difference to my daily life, but after a couple of weeks I will begin to feel slightly less frightened:


2690 steps so far today. Not bad. Archie and I got once around the garden this morning.


The sourdough turned out fine. I gave Helen half.


And I’ve now done 12 ½ scallops on the second side of Gudrun’s hap.




I’m continuing to enjoy Tomalin on Jane Austen – and was very happy to discover today that some of her contemporaries shared my difficulty with the spelling of her surname.


  1. Congratulations on getting your shot. We got ours last Thursday. And we got our picture taken to prove it. I'll try to post the photo.

  2. Oh, brilliant news! I do remember from the Tomalin biog being surprised by the adventures of some of Austens's relations - the shoplifter, for example and the one married to the french aristocrat. Perhaps a broader canvas than one might have imagined.

  3. Hurrah! I hope you don't wait too long for the second one. A friend and her sister have asked me to participate in a 50 books in 2021 effort. No preselected books, just keeping track. We have agreed to share ideas, maybe have some discussion on Zoon, and no judgement on choices. You are well ahead in the game, Jean!

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Yay vaccine! Glad you got your first injection. Loved the picture of wee Hamish yesterday.

  5. =Tamar9:59 PM

    Glad to hear it!
    Cold and a bit of snow here in MD. I decided to postpone going out until tomorrow.

  6. Today at 10am and again at 3pm Radio 4 Extra has an adaptation of "Mansfield Park". I'll be tuning in at 3, I think.

  7. Anonymous1:20 PM

    What a momentous day. So happy for you, Jean! In some things I think we get braver as we get older. Or at least it takes more bravery to do anything at all. Now I have to get the Tomalin book, too (along with Persuasion, Tamar). My bedside table pile is stacking up. Chloe
