Wednesday, June 23, 2021


I heard a weatherman on the radio say this week that there were some places in the south of England which had been warmer on the winter solstice than they had been this week, on the summer one.


I had a good Italian lesson. I was surprised to learn that my tutor is not interested in football. I thought all Italians were. She was surprised to learn that there isn’t a Prince of Scotland or a Prince of England, given that there is a Prince of Wales.


No knitting, I’m afraid. And no excuse for not doing that heel flap this evening,


Alexander came over. 2211 steps. I won’t see him again for a while – school broke up today, and they will all retreat to Loch Fyne tomorrow.


Today is Rachel’s birthday: marking the first day of the rest of my life, as well.


  1. =Tamar7:01 PM

    Steps, and Italian. A good day. Also, summer.
    I noticed today that I felt chilly. It was 70-F, about 21-C. I guess I'm acclimated to summer in Maryland.

  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Yesterday's Knitzi discussion: Knitter's Pride offers something similar in sturdy cardboard. They call them "DPN tubes", and I use them for storing and transporting socks in progress. Much cheaper, not so lovely as the wooden ones, but they do the job.

  3. Happy birthday lovely Jean
