Sunday, December 03, 2023

 Bitter, bitter cold. The winter of 1962-3, when Helen was born, was one of the bitterest in recent memory — and it started early. 

  I pretty well finished all the Christmas shopping I intend to do. So that’s something. 

  C. came to see me, with her friend Ian, the man to whom we are both forever grateful for driving us to and from Oban for both of our cruises in 2021.

  Knitting continued well. I did only three rows which doesn’t sound like much. But I must remember that although I cast on only 55, and that number remained fairly constant through all those false starts, it is now increasing by rapid, irregular amounts. It is looking well. 

  I finished The Running Grave. I would have enjoyed the denouement more if I had had the characters straighter in my head. I wonder if they’ll televise this one? 

  Wordle: I was today’s dunce with 5. There were 4’s for Alexander, Thomas and Ketki. Mark and Rachel distinguished themselves with 3’s. In DC, Roger was another 4 and Theo is so far silent.

1 comment:

  1. Mary Lou2:51 PM

    We are having what to me is fairly mild weather for this time of year, and since it's in the eye of the beholder it is probably bitter cold for you! Happy to hear you are past the start on the sweater, it should be more interesting and less frustrating once that's happened. I enjoyed the first few Cormorant Strike books, but didn't enjoy the television adaptation very much. I am waiting on a yarn delivery this morning...
