Friday, December 08, 2023

 C. came this morning and wrapped up some xmas presents for me. They look very well. I have sent Helen home with presents for herself and David, to keep things as simple as possible here. I calculated that if I still gave presents on my former principle, to all my blood descendants, the number would be above 30. 

  I mustn't forget that C’s own present is still to be wrapped, even though she is not related in blood.

 I continued to feel not-quite this morning. C. called a doctor. A pleasant young woman actually came and measured vital signs and said I have some crackle in the lungs — fluid or infection. She didn’t prescribe anything. I was glad about that. I’m still not-quite.

  I got a couple of rows of knitting done. The rows are so long these days that that is almost a creditable achievement. 

  Wordle: my starters almost solved it themselves this morning — an easy three. That was a popular score — but Ketki did it in two and Alexander needed four. Theo and Roger in DC both took four. 



  1. =Tamar7:23 PM

    A scarf or shawl can be wrapped around the head, and is traditional in Scotland I believe.
    I have knitted a hat in Icelandic Lopi (bulky singles) in a day (I am a slow knitter).
    Tell the doctor about the nurse's dexcription! Fluid in the lungs is by definition pneumonia. It might not be a cold, and there is a test for bacterial pneumonia.
    Two long rounds of knitting is a thoroughly respectable amount.

  2. Anonymous2:07 AM

    I haven't been reading your blog for that long, but have sort of figured out your family members, but am wondering who C. is? Love to hear about what you are knitting. Also interesting to hear your comments about the weather there in Scotland.

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Jean, have you gotten your anti-pneumonia vaccine? From what I ‘ve read it doesn’t cover all types of pneumonia but sure is better than nothing. Chloe

  4. Mary Lou4:17 PM

    I'm with Tamar - the MD can test for bacterial pneumonia, if it is viral, no use in antibiotics. I am currently working on a project with 152 stitch rows in aran wt yarn. I thought it would go faster, somehow!
