Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Not too bad a day, although chillier. I wasn’t required to go out. 

   I still haven’t solved the problem of accessing the laptop.computer. I’m too tired, first thing in the morning. There’s not time enough, between morning visitors and lunch. This time of day, between afternoon nap — essential, because the carer has 2-4 off —and supper, is also on the short side. What I need is a means of accessing the laptop when I am sitting in my chair in the sitting room.

   Helen came this morning and we got some paperwork done. It’s endless. Then the carer and I made a rather tasty soup for lunch out of some of the contents of the chill drawer. I can have more of that tomorrow.

   Knitting moved forward. (the MKAL associated with KD’s Summer of Mystery club) I sort of worked out that ten rows a day would probably be enough, and I’m sure I’m doing fewer than that, but at least I’m moving forward. I’m continuing to read Look to the Lady, a pre-war Allingham which doesn’t figure in the club (and which has an unforgettable McGuffin) but I’d better polish it off and get on to Dancers in Mourning if I don’t want to be left behind.

   Wordle: another real toughie, except for Thomas who polished it off in three. And not a word that everyone would know, I thought. My starters gave me three browns. After a titanic struggle — line three is the crux — I gave up and entered a Jean-word. It yielded another brown, and of course more positions in which one or another letter couldn’t appear. I hope I’m not giving too much away if I say that I  had one letter that could only be in position one or three; and another that had to be in one or five.

   The breakthrough was when I realised that neither had to be in the first place.

   Line four was fully qualified, but wrong. I got it in five. 

   Ketki and Alexander had fours.Rachel was with me on five. Six for Mark. Five for Theo in Dc, and the not-unusual silence from Roger.




  1. Can the laptop be in the same room as your chair? Perhaps on a rolling bedside table that has adjustable height? Similar to beside tables that are used in hospitals. It could be rolled out of the way when not needed. They are available at office supply stores and I am sure from Amazon.

    1. Anonymous4:14 AM

      My thought exactly. Cam

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Also five for me today. It’s a word I rejected for line four, thinking it too obscure. Ugh. (I failed on Sunday, ending my 173-day streak that had in fact been significantly longer; I lost it when crossing the dateline last summer.) (The Other Kristen)

  3. Five for me, I got one green and three brown to start, but it didn't help!
