Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A new follower!

My check to the kind soul who bought madtosh DK “Tannehill” for me and sent it to my sister, has reached New Jersey successfully. A great relief. She was brave to trust an internet acquaintance for so much. As long as the check was outstanding, I didn’t even entirely trust myself.

Beyond that, I have virtually nothing to report.

I made a little progress on the Milo Bambino, and have discovered that I am very close indeed to the specified length for my size. I’ll finish, at this rate, without involving the sixth skein at all, although I chose the size which ostensibly required the length of yarn I had available. Today I’ll have to do some measuring – maybe the girth of what I have produced will justify making it a bit longer. Juliet can wear it next summer.

But it doesn’t want to be too long, to get tangled up with the nappies.

I watched a video, thanks to Flipboard, of Arne & Carlos knitting Easter eggs. When their Christmas bobble book came out – was that the one that made them famous? – I was greatly taken with it and knit several. I feel no urge whatsoever to knit Easter eggs, no doubt a symptom of advancing age. But A&C are as engaging as ever.

I was saddened to learn of the death of the Knitting Curmudgeon. I suppose it's the Harlot who would have to be considered the doyenne of knitting bloggers, but the Curmudgeon must have run her a close second. Shd was a particular favourite with those who like salty language with their knitting.  Queer Joe’s tribute (March 10) is eloquent.

On a brighter note, the unstoppable Socklady seems to be doing fine back in her wilderness after her run-in with pulmonary embolisms.

I am tempted by Joe’s enthusiasm for “Modern Lopi” by Lars Rains – but there are so many knitting books these days. I can’t buy them all, as once I could and almost did.


  1. Agree about Knitting Curmudgeon - What was most sad was her rapid decline... if you read her Facebook page one of her family points out that she had symptoms which had not been noticed and if they had been attended to quite possibly would have prevented the outcome.

    grim indeed.

  2. Anonymous11:01 PM

    So sad to hear this news of Marilyn- I loved her writing and 'shut up I'm counting' will always make me chuckle and think of her.
