Sunday, September 03, 2017

And yet again, almost nothing to tell you. The body of Miss Rachel is beginning to look seriously like a sweater, but there is still a way to go. But it was a good day in general, in which I got a thing or two done.

 I think I have decided on the Soutache, as my present from Carol Sunday. A) because it’s beautiful B) because I have sort of been dallying with brioche lately and C) because I am afraid there is simply too much knitting in the beautiful Pueblo stoles.

Poor Susan Crawford (whom I stalk on Twitter) has been having some lymphodoema (a build-up of lymphatic fluids where lymph glands have been removed) and some chest pain, perhaps from a broken rib. We have been promised another statement soon, about the timetable for the publication of the book.

Tamar, thank you for that comment about those books…..

That much I wrote last night. Then Helen and her son Mungo dropped in, to say goodbye. They will drive off to London tomorrow, whence Mungo will fly to Jordan for the year-abroad which is part of his university course in Arabic. Helen and Farouk, who is a dog, will drive on to Thessaloniki.

Unlike yesterday, today was not much of a good day at all.

But anyway, back to that unexpected package from the Schoolhouse. I was comforted, Joan, by your comment saying that you often get such packages. And interested, Tamar, that you found me mentioning “Selbuvotter” last December. The paperwork in the box says that I placed the order towards the end of July. It came surface mail.

I think my future rule-of-life has got to be, no knit-related orders after 6 p.m.


  1. i for one (and i imagine others) dont care how little there is to report.. we love seeing a new post and reading ANYTHING you write. please share your disappointments too.. sorry you had 'not much of a good day'

    a trouble shared is halved..

  2. Yes, just glad to hear from you regardless. And I'm glad you figured out your unexpected package. I have had some of those too. Probably be good to write oneself a note when something is ordered so as to know what it is when it arrives.

  3. Are you certain someone else (one of your fans) didn't send it to you? And poor Susan Crawford needs to hand that project off to someone else to finish for her. It can't be good for her having it hanging over her head all the time.

  4. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Soutache is truly lovely - look forward to seeing your colour choice and your knitting progress with it.

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Soutache is stunning and a perfect choice. Can't wait to see the colors you choose. It's so hard to have a far-flung family as is so common these days. Hope you feel better today, Thank God there is knitting. Chloe

  6. Soutache looks like a gorgeous project. I'm sure you'll miss Helen being so close. Aren't you visiting them this fall

  7. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Susan Crawford is still struggling. I hope she has a lot of support.
