Sunday, November 12, 2017

I signed up for the new Craftsy classs by Lesley Anne Robinson on “brioche lace” and watched some of it in bed last night. I felt that she had me on the right track (although I might well have achieved the same end with the other Craftsy classes on my list, Marchant and non-Marchant).

Things went better today, and I feel that I’m nearly back in the saddle. I’m still having a bit of trouble with right- and left-leaning decreases: that is, I don’t yet know instinctively which is which. And I’m having trouble, too, with the stitch count: I have several times discovered extra stitches lying about at the end of the row. It will be a soft and pleasant scarf to wear when I’m finished, whatever happens, and will look good in a general sort of way. By then I would hope to have fancy two-colour brioche down pat.

Rebecca, thank you for your kind remarks about Miss Rachel's Yoke. I'm at least as bad as you are at choosing colours for stranded knitting (although rather enamoured of Kaffe's idea of basing a scheme on a favourite picture). I just ordered a kit from KD's online shop, with Haar as the base colour. 

The EYF Vendors’ List for 2018 is up. It’s going to be fun. Kate Davies isn’t coming back – I already knew that. She will be there, giving talks about her new book about her stroke, but not selling yarns and books. She felt that enough was enough. And Jared doesn’t seem to be making a re-appearance. The general list, however, seems thoroughly satisfactory. 


  1. Fiona9:38 PM

    Re "basing a scheme on a favourite picture", I recently came across a website that turns a photo into a list of J&S (or Spindrift) shade numbers. (I have no affiliation, just thought it was clever.)
    https ://

    1. Carol M9:19 PM

      Fiona, I can't seem to connect to the URL you posted. Is there another option? I'm quite intrigued! Thank you.

    2. Fiona9:48 PM

      There's a Ravelry group called Yarn Palette which has links to both the website and an Android app.

  2. Your sweaters look very wearable, and the Miss Rachel is pretty.

    I'm fascinated by this idea of using an app to sort out yarn colours. I'm just concocting a green based scheme and am much influenced by the wonderful acid yellows gleaming in every hedge just now. However, what looks good in a hedge in sunlight may not look so good as an actual garment in wear. The glory of J&S tweedy yarns is the mix of colours in one yarn, rather than the dominant colour which looks rather muted in the examples shown.

  3. I'm a long time reader; first time making a comment. I just discovered this article which you might find interesting re: cooking with the duchess in Palermo.

    I look forward each evening to reading your recounting of the day. Keep up the interesting work!

  4. Cannot wrap my mind around Brioche lace - must take a look at that class:)!

  5. Jean, re. your comment about choosing colors for stranded knitting, you might be interested in this site,, which provides color palettes based on photographs. There are seasonal and themed collections, and it seems like it would be a good place to start looking for color inspiration for knitting. (And thanks for giving me the idea. I've looked at the site many times but never considered using it in that way!)
