Monday, April 08, 2019

All well. I’m somewhat advanced with the front bib of the baby sweater, enjoying the peaceful garter stitch.

Thank you for your kind comments about the fullness of my programme. Most of the items you mention, such as Italian grammar and knitting and Daniel Deronda, can be done sitting down. Even pesto-making doesn’t involve standing for long. My difficulty comes when I start trying to totter about, although there’s nothing specifically wrong.

I have an appt with a geriatric consultant on Wednesday. I am formulating a list of all my symptoms – no sense of smell, hair has stopped growing, life-long nasal drip, general weakness, surely there must be more. I did well on walking this morning.

I discovered, reading my morning paper today, that the BBC and Andrew Davies – the prince of translators of books into television (“Pride and Prejudice”, “Middlemarch”, amongst many others) – have done “Daniel Deronda”, and that it’s available on Netflix! So that takes care of my television for the next few days, except that I mustn’t start until I finish the book. My sister – who was engaged upon a PhD in Eng Lit until she threw it up for medicine – says she certainly isn’t going to read it again. The final portions, which I have now reached, are livelier than the beginning.

I also discovered, even more to my surprise, in the course of my Googl’ing, that Davies and the BBC have done “He Knew He Was Right”. I don’t remember ever having heard of it until I plucked it by random from the shelf recently. That seems to be available only on a disk. That would play on my computer, right? Although that’s not a very comfortable arrangement for evening viewing and knitting.


  1. I have not seen Middlemarch, I’ll have to seek it out, wait for the review of Daniel Deronda.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I know, Jean. But I still think it's great that you don't let it stop you from doing as much as possible. Plus I love hearing about those cruises! Chloe

  3. No DVD attached to the television? If there are disks you want to see it might be worth asking Archie to hook one up for you. They are very inexpensive these days. I think the last one I bought was about $35.

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I am relieved you are seeing your geriatric consultant on Wed.... make sure you tell him about your long term sinus leakage and the no-smell. You may have a low grade infection that is affecting your balance or your toddle- alonger. Now listen up - The most of those geriatrics have never gone through a geriatric 'happening' - so you have to stay ahead of them just in case its something not quite geriatric.
    are you or have you been taking anything different - from when did this start - new meds? new vitamins or substitutes? Cleaning supply change? Something you are cooking with? a new body product? new animals?. New perfume or hair spray? I could go on and on, but there's the idea. add anything that has changed including what they stopped making - so you had to find another new thing to use. You nasal drip also indicates you may have allergies or have developed new allergies to add to the others. tell the geriatric all you can think of and the dates the problem began - about....sorry I'm harping... but it is SO DAMNED IMPORTANT. May you and your geriatric work well together. God bless
