Sunday, February 24, 2019

The hiatus this time was down to the fact that I fell, on Friday morning – tripped on the pavement (rather as I did in Reggio Calabria) while on my way to Drummond Place Garden with my personal trainer. No serious damage done. Fiona suffered more than I did.

But (as in Reggio Calabria) I was badly shaken. I allowed myself the luxury of cancelling yesterday’s Italian lesson. I remembered how I had longed for Radio Four, that night in Reggio. And I revelled in it, here in Edinburgh. There is nothing so peaceful or soporific or comforting as earnest voices talking about Brexit. There’s a pretty steady diet of that on the BBC these days, night and day.

By now I am near my normal low level. Greek Helen came this morning to accompany my two circuits of the Garden. Archie is coming tomorrow.

I have knit on a bit, through all this. I’ve finished the neck ribbing on the Stronachlchar, and one sleeve. Picking up stitches (and getting the count right) is slow work, but I think I’ve done it successfully for the second sleeve, on the second attempt.

My friend Kristie sent me a link to a calm and reasonable blog post about some of what Kate Davies has had to put up with lately – it even mentioned a threat to boycott the EYF because Kate was going to speak there. Her speech was cancelled, some weeks ago. I was going to post the link here, but when I went to check it just now, I found it gone. This borders on the sinister.


  1. While I am not happy to hear that you fell, I am glad you did it in the company of the personal trainer. Perhaps this will help her see what might help you in addition to the walking. Falling like that really shakes you up, even if you don't get hurt.

  2. ​agree on the above post re falling and the trainer.

    as for KDD... not sure what blog had a post about KDD.. KDD's own message was deleted by her when she got a tremendous negative backlash from those who felt she had not said enough.

    Compassion and decency and 'walk a mile in the other persons shoes' has been missing thru out all of this.

    if you go to Ravelry and the KDD group and read General Discussion - many of us are moving the conversation along to positive statements and back to knitting.

    there is a sentiment (and i agree) that KDD was singled out and none of the other 'big' knitters came to her defense NOR were treated the way KDD was.

    enough .. its a sad sad comment on how people hide behind posts and dont realize that using WORDs is as dangerous as using physical objects.

    I am looking forward to seeing the proress on your projects and am hopeing to start back to knitting - probably a sock but i am looking at the hap of many colors as a way to show silent support to KDD and get back to some stressreducing activity.

  3. The post that has been removed was from a blog called Hatjunkie. It was a wonderfully supportive post about Kate. It’s a shame she decided to take it down. Casting on one of Kate’s designs sounds like a very good plan. I think I might do the same.


  4. I’ve been avoiding much of social media to avoid all this depressing bullying so I was blissfully unaware of all that had gone on about Kate until yesterday. I read a bit on her Rav group and came upon the link to hatjunkie’s blog, she was starting to get nasty comments at that point and she must have taken it down shortly thereafter. I’m really finding all of this bullying hateful and rather scary, what is wrong with these people?

  5. Social media can be very cruel. I don't knit other people's patterns - too lazy to follow them - but I read Kate's blog with interest. I read it because I am always interested in the way other people work through the design process and because I was particularly interested in the way Kate worked through it post-stroke. She was trying to do a massive amount for someone in that position. I hope she can take a break and then rebuild and reconnect.

    1. I too worry about the fact that it seems that the business is their sole income. Apparently both are working in it which puts pressure to produce however I do not know their personal financial situation and this is purely speculation. I am still so very angry about the treatment of Kate by those who hid beh8nd the social media walls

  6. Anonymous1:11 AM

    So glad to hear you're back to walking after your fall, which must indeed have shaken you.

  7. Anonymous12:03 PM

    So sorry about your fall, Jean. Scary, annoying, and worrisome all in one. I read on line once about a little daily technique to do that improves your balance as long as you do practice it daily. Did not know then to Save it and it may be just an old wives' tale but it was easy and harmless and worth a try -- if I can just find it again. I'll keep trying. Poor Kate. Horrifying people out there. I had bought 2 of her books in the past and may just buy a single pattern just as a show of support. Chloe

  8. I keep wondering about your spectacles and whether they are causing you to misjudge your steps. Very good idea to have someone with you while you regain your confidence.

  9. As others say, sorry you fell, good your PT was with you, and good you have family members close by to be with you on the next few walks. As to KD - I’ve missed most of what has been said about her, I will miss her posts on Instagram, and wish her well. Take care Jean! Anna in Toronto
