Little to report. It’s still cold. Relief is forecast for the weekend, but before that snow is forecast for tomorrow. Daniella didn’t come today because her small son Daniel is ill. Tomorrow — who knows?
So, general gloom. I did very little knitting despite a day’s binging on HarrynMeghan. You can skip it if you have the strength of character. You won’t learn anything about the Royal Family. They are rarely mentioned. You will learn all — or rather more than all — that you could ever want to know about HarrynMeghan.
I’m ready to start the upper front of Fergus’ sweater. Again, I resolve to do better tomorrow.
Thank you again for hip-help, especially Jenny, Chloe and Maureen (comments yesterday). What you say makes a lot of sense. I’ll see the solstice out — not much choice, now. — and then face up to it. Meanwhile I’ll keep moving about as much as possible (once it gets a tad warmer and danger of ice underfoot is removed).
Wordle: I had a terrible time today. The starter words gave me three browns. I limped on with some Jean-words, picked up a fourth brown, eventually crept home with a six. Three for Thomas and Theo, four for everybody else except Little Rachel who needed five.
Cold and rainy here in MD. I had an appointment or I would not have gone out at all. Relief predicted is merely no rain, but I'll take what I can get. Knit on! This is definitely wool weather.