Monday, August 19, 2024

 Here we are.

   I got that far yesterday. We’ll see what I achieve today. I continue in reasonable health, but with the feeling that I have slipped down a notch or two. I have had some semi-blackouts while on the commode. I attribute this to trying to stand up too fast after a peaceful couple of hours listening to “Middlemarch” while lounging on my back. Others attribute more sinister causes.

    Helen was here at lunchtime, with her oldest bestest friend. Nice visit. I remembered the time when I met them in the midst of their first serious exams, Mods. They were required to dress up, since this was Oxford. A tourist approached us reverently and asked if this was graduation. I said no, this was examinations, graduation had been last week. I would happily have explained but the poor tourist slunk away.

  Franklin is posting a million times a day on Facebook. I can keep up as long as he posts only twice or thrice, but this is too much.

   Wordle: five for me again.Likewise for Rachel and Ketki.Four for Mark and Thomas.  A stunning two for Alexander. four for both Roger and Theo. Yesterday the considerable majority scored four, including me.


  1. Wordle! I had nearly forgotten. One guess left... I must remember to see how many tries that actually is.

  2. Anonymous5:59 AM

    My mother had low blood pressure (postural hypotension) and was always warned to take her time first moving to sitting, and then standing up so as not to pass out. It was good advice as it reduces the likelihood of a painful fall.
    Always a pleasure to hear from you

  3. Some unfortunate people actually pass out while emptying their bladders during the night - dangerous and messy, I'd have thought. But yes, postural hypotension if you have sat for too long, and you said your blood pressure was low.

  4. Robin7:55 PM

    Jean, I thought about you last night as I watched Michelle and Barack Obama speak at the Democratic convention. Both were fantastic! Perhaps someone can find the speeches for you on YouTube.
