Tuesday, August 06, 2024

 I am sorry about yesterday. I had nothing to say, is all. I’m not terribly well. No appetite at all. I live on Complan and milkshakes and Waitrose’ delicious gazpacho. And cider.

   Mary Lou, yes, you had indeed inserted the pattern into my Ravelry library. Now I’m just waiting for the yarn from Stephen and Penelope. And hoping i’ll be strong enuf to do the knitting.

   91st birthday next week.

   Alexander was here this morning, on the way to Burnside with his family. They’ll all be here on Thursday on the way back. Helen is in Ireland all week, perhaps teaching mosaic-making. James is coming at the weekend, Rachel for the birthday itself.

   I continue to be obsessed with Jeremy Bamber despite my promise to let you alone on the subject. I have nearly finished another whole book on the subject. I’d like it to be Sheila (like the New Yorker)  but

   Wordle: I was the worst of all today. Never mind — I got it. Two browns and a green from my starters. A perfectly qualified line three advanced us nowhere. A  carefully-chosen Jean-word in line four helped a lor. I got it in five.

   Four was the everybody-score today, except for Thomas with abrilliant three. Four for Roger. Another brilliant three for Theo 




  1. So sorry you're not well. Gazpacho sounds delicious! Does waitrose do a vichysoisse, I wonder? I must investigate.... hope you recover soon and in time to enjoy your birthday 🎂

  2. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Jean, I just read the New Yorker article on Bamber — it seems pretty clear that the investigation was a farce and that the trial itself was problematic. Remind me never to do anything that would ensnare me in the British criminal justice system. (The Other Kristen, in NY State)
