Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Not a bad day. Jenny, i am sure you’re right that I must be careful about abrupt  changes of position and attentive to blood pressure. They are trying to engage a separate carer to help the first one with transfers and personal cate. I tremble at the expense and will try hard to prove it unnecessary.

   Little else today. Some knitting. The baby sweater is looking wonderful and deserves to be finished but I wonder if I’ll make it. There’s still plenty of time.

   But mostly I have just lain here peacefully listening  to Middlemarch. It’s terribly good. During the night I listened to the Democratic Convention, perforce. What a pleasant voice for shouting  Michelle has! I am afraid Kamala is a bit shrill.

   Wordle:  Nicely divided today. Four for me and Rachel and Mark. Five for Alexander Astonishing twos for Ketki and her son Thomas. 

Across the pond, it was 5 for Roger and no news from Theo



  1. =Tamar2:31 AM

    It's good to hear of a nice day with knitting. Kamala sounds fine in her ads, so it was probably the extra strain of the shouting.
    The Maryland weather finally turned into the annual August cold snap, at least a week later than usual. Still sunny.

  2. Some knitting sounds very nice!

  3. Sweet photo on instagram of you and the cat! I just returned from the Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum in Decorah Iowa and saw some incredible textiles! I can't imagine how folks used such fine yarn with no electric lights!

  4. Kamala has a slightly higher pitch to her voice, and in a space as big as she was in EVERYONE has to shout.

    It's good that you've picked up your knitting; I will have to look out for that pattern. Sending you good wishes from the Midwest in the US.

  5. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I hope you got to hear Kamala’s acceptance speech. I thought she sounded human, caring, and tough! The message of including all people in her outreach was refreshing!

    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Robin from California

  6. dawninnl9:28 PM

    Hello what's Jean's Instagram handle, please.

  7. I just finished Tiger in the Smoke. I purchased it ages ago on your recommendation, but didn't get to until until the KD series. WOW!!!
