Monday, August 26, 2024

Here we are.james was here over the weekend. He has given me. Bluetooth keyboard. Alexander and Ketki have been here today. They figured out how to connect it.`so we’re back in touch!
   Little has happened in my absence. James was here for three nights, sleeping on the dining room floor. It was nice to have Alexander and Ketki, too, although the whole performance has something the air of gathering round a deathbed. Helen and David are at Burnside until Wednesday or Thursday.
   I have enjoyed the Democratic convention enormously. my nephew Theo was there, contributing in some way — he’s a brilliant organiser. 
   Now we run up against a problem. i usually write the Wordle part of this blog flipping back and forth on the iPad — which at the moment is propped up securely so that I can see it as I type. I think the solution will be to type a Wordle section early in the day, before Bluetoothing. We may have to have American results a day late.
   Anyway, I scraped home with a six today, and very glad to have it. I had the four greens in line three. And then line four. And then line five. And i could still think of at least two possibilities for line six, but fortunately chose the right one. 
   I think Alexander also had six, and Ketki five. 
   I’ve figured out how to check without disturbing the iPad. We’re making progress here. Mark had a brilliant three, Thomas an even more brilliant two. His starter gave him one green vowel.


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Family visitors are always such a joy, particularly if they stay over.

  2. Amy B8:55 PM

    It's nice to have tech-y people in the family. My husband keeps all our devices connected and going. It's especially nice when they share and hook it up for you 👍

  3. =Tamar9:39 PM

    Hooray for techie relatives! I may have to look into keyboards. I'm not sure they make them for my antique tablet, but it would be nice to be able to type properly again.
    Weather continues warm here in MD.

  4. Great work with the family tech team - don't know how we'd function without them. Very warm here north of Chicago, and more so tomorrow. Stay cool!

  5. Southern Gal3:33 AM

    Great to see your long chatty post. I am one of those techie people. So glad you got a portable keyboard they are really great. Glad you are enjoying using it.

  6. Susan Lein10:49 PM

    Oh I am so glad to hear from you again! Praise God the technology front had forward progress - what a blessing!! May you continue to grow in strength and shalom -- blessings over you and your family!

  7. Robin3:45 PM

    Very nice that so many of your family has been visiting. I’m glad they got your blog set-up working. It makes me happy to find a post from you.
