Wednesday, August 07, 2024

 Well, here we are again. I’m pretty feeble but perhaps a bit better than the worst.

   I’m disappointed that Harrix, having rejected Shapiro, didn’t choose the ex-astronaut for her VP, but her actual choice sounds pretty good too. Better than Sarah Palin, 

   I have continued to pursue Jeremy Bamber. I hope I’m ready to stop. I think, in the end, I incline towards his innocence.

   The yarn from Stephen and Penelope should be here at any moment. I hope I will be strong enough to knit it.

   Wordle: a shameful six for me. But I thot I was beaten, so it was a great relief. The starters produced one brown vowel. AJean-word in line three advanced me nothing, except to establish another place where the vowel couldn’t be. Four was a real guess. Five was a Jean-word. I’m lucky to have got it.

   No one else was so dim. Fours for Mark Thomas, Ketki and Alexander. Five for Rachel. Four for Theo. Five for Roger. 



  1. As a Minnesota resident I can go on and on about how wonderful Tim Walz his, how much integrity, and why I think he was the perfect choice. But i won't unless someone really wants to know. I'm THRILLED! Also thrilled to see Helen on IG wearing a sweater that you made!

    1. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. I think Tim Walz is great…and I’m from California.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Like Jean, I was hoping for Mark Kelly, but I agree with Anonymous above.
      -- Gretchen (aka stashdragon)

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      I’m also from California and very much like Mark Kelly. However, I also like Gov. Walz and believe he is the best choice. VP Harris is from California and Kelly from Arizona. That’s too much of the far west for many. Walz appeals to everyone. Sen. Kelly has four years remaining on his term. We need him in the senate.

      Annie in California

    4. Anonymous3:41 PM

      (Replying to Annie in Calif, in case this comment shows up in the wrong place). I agree with you on needing Kelly in the Senate and on "balancing the ticket" geographically, so I'm well pleased with the choice of Walz.
      -- Gretchen (aka stashdragon)

  2. Rebecca in Minnesota11:28 PM


  3. Count me in as a thrilled Minnesota neighbor!

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I sure hope they win. I’m a defitie vote against the orange beast.

  5. Walz is good for a couple of reasons: First, he's a former teacher - it's time we had someone who supports education beyond lip service. Second, he's willing to be Kamala's #2 -- I mean, he has no interest in running for president, so he is happily the man behind the woman. There aren't many who'd do that. And finally, he's from the Midwest. It's nice to have a solid Midwestern person who's not Mike Pence (sorry...). I am definitely happy with the ticket.

    As for the baby knitting, what about a very simple (and simple can be stunning, I think) diagonal knit baby blanket? Always useful.
