Saturday, October 11, 2014

I got through my busy day yesterday rather successfully, including a whiz around Waitrose on my way back from the airport thus dealing not only with lunch but also with most of the weekend shopping. Maybe I should make an effort to do more – but I think not; I felt as if I had been hit by a wrecker's ball, by bedtime last night.

This is very exciting news, Catmum, about Hazel Tindall's DVD and download. Thank you for alerting me. The little sampler on the website is enchanting. I am slightly surprised that we didn't run into her when we were on Shetland last year – we found Oliver Henry sorting wool at Jamieson & Smith, and we stumbled upon the woman who knit the Fair Isle sweaters for those ponies. It's that sort of place. She was most kind and hospitable, and demonstrated the use of a knitting belt for us. How did Hazel Tindall (the world's fastest knitter) manage to elude us?

Now that I want to reply, I can't find the comment about storing yarn in pillowcases. It sounds like good advice, and I mean to put it into practice (if it isn't too late). I've still got two more projects backed up from that happy day at Jamieson&Smith – the yarn for Kate Davies' Northmavine Hap (from Colours of Shetland) – that was entirely your fault, Kristie -- and some of their vibrant Shetland Heritage colours to make a Fair Isle vest, pattern yet to be devised. Those yarns are still in the carry-bag I had to buy to get them home, but I think they deserve to be divided into separate pillowcases today.

So are stashes formed. Here I am waiting with bated breath for the madelinetosh yarn for Archie's sweater. Surely by now I can begin to hope?

Knitting of the Unst Bridal Shawl edging went well last night, despite exhaustion. Hand and mind and eye cooperated nicely. So I feel I can lay it aside safely today and finish tidying Rams & Yowes. I'm just about ready to turn the second corner with the edging – that doesn't mean half-way, because I started somewhere along the first side so that the final join will be in an inconspicuous place. But it does mean that I'm moving along nicely.


And, yes! LizM. I heard that the Apple shop on Princes Street is at last about to open. Apparently Apple make a speciality of not announcing the date much in advance. Edinburgh has been holding its breath since August. It has also occurred to me that I'll do better domestically coming back with a MacBook, if I haven't been shopping with Archie. My husband is hostile. Archie is remarkably cheerful and patient, but it's hard on him. Archie is also rather emphatically anti-Apple, but that is a nuance likely to be lost on my husband.

So – it can still happen.


  1. You can place the blame on your international fan base, Jean, many of whom egged (appled?) you on.

  2. Hazel's video is excellent, Jean! It has inspired me to try my knitting belt again.

    I think you might have met Hazel in Shetland...on Kristie's blog entry for September 25 last year there is a pic of you looking at Shetland Lace with a gal I think might be Hazel.... granted, not Fair Isle knitting, but I have read, on her blog I think, that she volunteers at the museum and she is a member of the guild and has contributed a couple of lace patterns to their book. Do watch her video and check the pic and see if you think it might be the same person.

    I met Hazel briefly in Minneapolis with Stashaus back in 2008 when she won her second Fastest Knitter Competition, that was fun!!

  3. Hi Jean, the idea of putting yarn in pillowcases was from my friend Isobel. Now I know what to do with all my old pillowcases!

  4. Hi Jean, now I have $35 less to spend on yarn -- thank you! I'm very excited to start watching the Hazel Tindall dvd, so, no time to talk! Thanks again! Cam

  5. Thank you for mentioning my DVD/download - I heard about it from a friend. It reminded me that I had not looked at your blog for a while; silly of me as I always find it entertaining and enlightening. Caught up this morning. Volunteering at Textile Museum took a back seat last year following my husband's sudden death so that's probably why we didn't meet - a pity as I think you'd be an interesting person to meet.
