Monday, October 13, 2014

You win some, you lose some.

To start with the (relatively) bad news, I took some pics of the finished Rams & Yowes blankie for you this morning – and I don't know where I put the camera. It'll turn up soon, and we may even have the pictures tomorrow.

I didn't block it, in the end. Just applied the steam iron. It looks nice, but I'm not entirely satisfied. The patterned centre bit is fine, in fact rather good. The pick-up for the border is rather less fine along the steeked edges – I seem to have darted inland from time to time, presumably when the going seemed treacherous. The border is slightly, but only very slightly, wavy – and that's after calculating gauge and reducing the specified number of stitches considerably.

The good news is that I found something I had lost. (Maybe the same will happen with those keys.) I went out shopping and errand-running last Wednesday and returned laden and very weary. Over the last few days I have thought of one thing after another I acquired or had that morning that I couldn't find – tomatoes and mozzarella for a salad I didn't make, silver polish and furniture polish from Lakeland, a list of my husband's prescriptions, a pay-in receipt from the bank.

I deduced that they all must have been in the same carrier-bag. Where was it? Not here, apparently. Had I left it behind on the last stop?

Then last night in bed, half-awake, very tired, I figured out the answer. And there it is! [Two carrier bags hang from hooks in a funny little cupboard off the kitchen, providing storage each for a different, little-used category of thing. What I realised as I lay in bed was that, the last time I opened that cupboard, there were three bags hanging up.]

So I don't need to go back to Lakeland this morning. I do need to go to Boots for the pills – they weren't there, on Wednesday.

I got the House of Bruar order in yesterday, not without difficulty. They wouldn't take the credit card. Have I been hacked? Did the credit company decide that the yarn for Archie's sweater was extravagance enough for October? (But they usually ring up when they do that.) I bought a Jane Gardam (“After the Funeral”) for the iPad this morning, and that went through all right. Then the card for our current account wouldn't work either – I think that was because I put in the month the card expired as “4” instead of “04”. But we have another current account, left over from when we switched banks and I didn't finish the job. That one worked. This all took a fair amount of time.

So I did a bit more of the Unst Bridal Shawl edging last night, successfully enough.

The Edinburgh Apple store opens on Saturday – and it's at this end of Princes Street! Jan, your experience with your MB Air is very like mine with my beloved iPad. I saw the MacBook Pro when I went shopping with Archie that day recently – very small and neat. Very tempting.

I found the camera.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Will I succeed in posting a comment or will the technology gods block me once again? Busy busy days, they exhaust me just reading about them.
    anonymous aka Janet

  2. Happy you found the camera - and that bag. A good sign your luck will endure to find the keys. I'm anxious to see the blanket photos.

  3. Could you do a crochet stitch over the pickup line and cover it with very nice v's....I can't wait to see pictures of the fin sihed blanket....hope you find the camera (and the keys) soon. Leslie

  4. =Tamar8:55 PM

    Some days, the joy of finding things is almost worth the nuisance of having lost them. Almost. Congratulations on remembering where the bag was! and on finding the camera!
