Monday, March 13, 2017

Today wasn’t as productive. There are still a few inches to sew together on the final stretch of the half-brioche side-and-sleeve seam. I fetched Vogue Knitting from its place on the shelf in preparation for possibly adding a collar – I think it’s the best book I have for such details. I discovered in it, accidentally, that if you are adding a placket or collar of a different colour, you should pick up the stitches in the original colour and then switch. In this case, the Roast Hatch Chillies are there in the background all along, but the Whiskey Barrel predominates so strongly that I had probably better take Vogue’s advice.

I did some more ribbing on my husband’s sweater. He is of respectable circumference, and the Sweater Wizard wants 22 rounds of rib, so it’ll take a while.

And I read Alice Starmore’s Fair Isle book. It is extremely thorough, extremely Starmore. She, too, is keen on swatching and warns of the unexpected results that can arise when colours are combined.

On securing steeks: Peggy, you must bear in mind what Mary Lou wisely pointed out – that leaving a steek unsecured depends on your having used Shetland yarn, which is very “sticky”. Starmore cuts cheerfully into an unsecured steek, but insists that you hem it firmly down later. Mucklestone, towards the end of her lesson on securing steeks, does mention the possibility of doing nothing. Nor does she hem the facing later.

I'd better find out what Meg recommends, in that video I've got, before I decide.


I am going on a walk tomorrow with our niece, while the cleaner is here. I used to walk with her quite often, five miles or so. I wonder how much I can manage now – it’s been a long time.

I am greatly distressed to learn that there is to be another referendum on Scottish independence. 


  1. Meg discusses steeks in the most recent Schoolhouse Press blog post.

  2. Thought of you immediately when I heard on BBC World News today about the possibility of another referendum. It does seem as if the Brexit vote might have changed the equation somewhat, since Scots were strongly in favor of remain. Or is that not correct? We certainly are living in interesting times!

    1. That's correct. The "Better Together" side in the last referendum stressed that if Scotland left the Union it would also be casting itself out of the EU, which was presented as A Very Bad Thing. This has now changed and Scotland will basically be asking itself...Union outwith the EU, or independence within the EU?

  3. When I did my Dale sweater, the steek edges were faced and the facings hemmed down. Made for a very nice finish.

  4. I have noticed that it is very difficult to judge when you are only half-tired on a walk so you have enough energy to turn about and get back before exhaustion hits. I hope you have better judgment than me..

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Broughton Street is indeed a hill! I was able to see this while standing at the top after I had spied the street name waiting for my change of bus.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM the Corn Exchange no less!
