Friday, May 05, 2017

Today was rather a set-back on the health front, after yesterday’s optimism. My husband has now finished the course of antibiotics with which he was sent home from hospital last week. We hope tomorrow may be better simply for being antibiotic-free.

So I didn’t get much done. But here, at least, is the swatch-scarf (and my toes):

The duller two rounds of lozenges at the top will be the basis of Alexander’s vest. The next two down, somewhat brighter, will be a vest for Ketki when Scotland next win the Calcutta Cup – that’ll probably be at the Greek Kalends. The brighter version has Flugga White instead of a duller natural grey; and a red accent across the centre instead of a blue one. Otherwise identical, colour-wise.

Tamar, I am, as always, both grateful and deeply impressed by your contribution (Wednesday). Join the ends of the swatch-scarf and make it an infinity scarf! Simple, brilliant (=Tamar). Thank you.

I had hoped to get some calculating done on the vest itself today, but didn’t.

I did make a start on the Polliwog – and then made what is, to me, the one irremediable mistake. I dropped a stitch during the first post-cast-on round. So I have started again, and all currently promises well.

I also watched a bit more Andrew&Andrea. Flipboard seems to have given up on knitting altogether. I joined something called News360 which promised well but doesn’t seem to be producing much (knitting). Podcasts may be the future. I enjoyed the current episode, with the Dutch lace knitter Monique Boonstra, new to me, and brilliant.

And Shandy, there is a recent sequence about setting in sleeves, I can’t remember in which episode. Andrea is obviously an accomplished seamstress. It was done after the seams were sewn, just as you said. The pins were inserted perpendicularly to the seam. I didn’t even know that. And Andrea is devoted to back stitch, which is what I have done all my life until recent enthusiasm for mattress stitch has made me feel inadequate.


  1. I am not a huge podcast viewer, mostly due to the time it takes. I confess to speeding it up on You Tube to go faster. I saw the episode with back stitch and was intrigued, bookmarking it for later. The scarf, however it ends up, is so rich-looking. Lovely blend of color and motif.

  2. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Beautiful intricate knitting, this kind of Fair Isle - just lovely. Agree with Mary Lou on podcast viewing. Audio podcasts are a different matter, as I can do all kinds of household things (except vacuuming) while listening.

  3. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Since you viewed the Fruity Knitting podcast with Monique B's Shetland Stars shawls, I think you'll be interested that the Susan who did the rectangular test knit is Seaglass on Ravelry, who knit Princess, and with whom we went to the Florence Griswold Nuseum in Old Lyme, CT, in 2009!

    She's still doing beautiful work, and so are you!


    1. Oh, Cynthia! Wonderful to hear from you. And how happily I remember that wonderful day! Are you still knitting major lace projects? I keep thinking I want to do one more before the grave.

  4. I have also been enjoying Andrea and Andrew. They are both rather easy on the eye, although she does take a while to get to the point.
    Pinning in sleeves like that would help to ease in any fullness. Her finished garments look wonderful. I used to use back stitch, but I think it is too rigid for the knitted fabric. Mattress seems to allow a bit more give.

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I read something surprisingly recently about how mattress stitch is a somewhat weak seam - something I thought we had put to bed with the current practice of three-needle bindoff for the shoulders and collective agreement that side seams didn't need as much strength. The writer appeared to make a blanket statement about seams in general. And now Andrea in her podcast. So rigid vs. flexible, weak vs. strong. And I thought at least in knitting I would not be forced to take sides:-). Chloe

  6. I absolutely love your swatch scarf, magnificent color arrangements and design. I was never one for swatching, but I can see the benefits of the swatch exploration, the knowledge gained and the adventure had in the excursion ��
    Just a little worried about your guy...sounds like if it were a bug problem he would feel better by now. Could it possibly be a reaction to the antibiotic? If he continues to feel crappy, maybe flush his system with a weak tea of antioxidants before looking for more trouble.

    1. There is a certain amount of feeling here that maybe my husband's trouble was viral (=flu), hence the lack of response to antibiotics.
      As for swatching, I was never one for it either. But as Mucklestone says in her Craftsy course, once you get started, you may never need to knit a sweater again...

  7. Beth Armstrong3:50 PM

    Hello! I am a new commenter here--and a relatively new (but completely addicted) knitter in my fifties. I enjoy your blog very much. I live in Ohio and graduated from Mount Holyoke College quite a whiles back. (I seem to recall you have a family connection there.) I'm thebeth on Ravelry.

    I use Feedly for knitting news and blogs, including yours. It collects them all in one place. I have it as an app on my iPad. I highly recommend it. I suggest it as a possible alterantive to Flipboard, which I, like you, have given up on.

    Your swatch scarf is lovely!

    1. Beth, thanks. I'll try Feedly.
      My great-aunt, my grandmother's sister, Emma Carr, was Professor of Chemistry at Mount Holyoke and the chemistry lab is -- or was -- named for her. My mother was also an alumna, an Emily Dickinson expert, author of "Miss Marks and Miss Woolley". I was a disappointment, going west to Oberlin.

    2. I should have made clear that Feedly is different from Flipboard in that it feeds you only what you ask for. I have found some terrific knitting blogs just by typing "knitting" in the search bar.

      I remember Carr Laboratory, though I took only one chemistry class. I was an English major. I do remember how well-respected the chemistry department was--and that it had a long tradition of excellence, due, I'm sure in no small part to your great-aunt.

      Although I sadly remember little about it, I do know that I read your mother's book! I'm sure I purchased it at the Odyssey bookshop in South Hadley.

      I now live in Cleveland, not far from Oberlin. It is a small world.

  8. Echoing Feedly Rex. It's fabulous. And very easy to add items. I will email you some tips. Sorry sbout DZh and his continued waning.
