Monday, June 01, 2020

Well. Craftsy is gone (I’ve got a considerable amount invested there, both knitting and cookery); Alasdair Post-Quinn has lost everything in a fire (himself and family OK, at least); and the leaderless United States is tearing itself apart. And that’s before we even get started on the coronavirus. I don’t mean to compare or diminish any one of these things, by listing them like this.

I’ve had a good day. My personal trainer is back, to my considerable benefit. As long as the weather holds, we can have our sessions in the gardens as we did this morning. The weather so far continues wonderful, but rain is forecast – much needed.

I’ve decided to plunge ahead with a first attempt at sourdough tomorrow. I took my starter out of the refrigerator this morning, let it warm up a bit, and fed it. It bubbled nicely. I’ll feed it again before bedtime.

And I even did a bit of knitting.

There's the picture. No problem today. The Harlot was grumbling the other day about not finding anything in her stash that suggested daffodils and forsythia.


I am uneasy about gooseberries. One of our specimen trees in Kirkmichael is a pinus nigra which has been suffering badly in recent years from something-or-other. Another is the pinus sylvestris, the Scots pine, which so far is fine.

Jeanfromcornwall – yes! The whole point of “My Friend Flicka” is that the hero is the younger son, and his brother does everything right and gets good marks at school. Somehow or other the younger brother’s relationship with Flicka (a horse) strengthens his character. In the movie, the brother was GONE, replaced by a totally pointless little sister.


  1. Well, for me, it was all about the horse! Glad you are getting out to exercise.

  2. All is not lost - Craftsy merged with Bluprint so everything is still there!! Just found that out this morning to my surprise.

  3. Anonymous11:21 PM

    your pines are fine from this rust - Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris are not close relatives of Pinus strobus (though they are in the same genus). Pinus strobus has 5 needles in a bundle, the other two two - that makes them quite different.
    the rust in question is White pine blister rust.
    And lastly, something i forgot yesterday, rust fungi only attack plants, not animals.


  4. Bluprint has sent an email out saying they are also done:( I have a lot of cash in those classes and do not appreciate losing it. Hopefully they will find a way to get us copies of the classes we bought!

  5. Likewise affected re Craftsy/Bluprint. While I'd prefer DVDs (I somehow have 58 classes in my library...) I would be happy to be able to download videos rather than lose the classes that were sold as "for my lifetime".

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Love those colors. The right yellow can be hard to find. Sorry I ever brought up gooseberries. I thought it was such common knowledge I didn't think it necessary to research it. Chloe

  7. I grew up knowing gooseberries as tart but good for pies, if you had enough of them. Which we didn't! Nobody liked them well enough to cultivate them.
    Any topic not in the news these days is a welcome alternative discussion and avenue for research. Don't be sorry.

  8. Where are you reading the Yarn Harlot? I follow her blog, but I haven’t seen a post since her granddaughter died. I looked her up on Patreon and they didn’t find her under Yarn Harlot.

    1. I had the same problem with Yarn Harlot on Feedly which I use to keep track of all the blogs I read. However, when I fiddled around a bit I got it to give the Harlot to me (sorry I don't know what I did). It was nice to have two months' worth to read. If you can't find her you can google and get to the blog directly.

    2. I had the same problem! I hadn't gone looking because she had said she needed some time. Her posts about the baby were so sad, but it sounds like they are bravely going forward.

  9. I hope your sourdough loaf is a tremendous success Jean.
