Monday, November 13, 2023

 A bit of storm today, with a fair bit of rain. 

I’ve done some knitting, worried now about my future capacity to do it. The shoulder feels mildly uncomfortable. The doctor when he was here recently recommended pain killers. I don’t take them, except occasionally at night, but I might try. 

Otherwise it has been a busy-seeming day. Archie came, and we gave him lunch. Helen came in the evening, much occupied with a multi-paged application for Assisted Living Allowance. If we get it, it will go some way to paying for Wafa. An NHS representative came in the morning a propos our application for free incontinance pants. That one seems hopeful. 

The newspapers are much occupied at this season with lists of things you might want to give people for Christmas. Sixty years ago I used to read such lists and reflect on how expensive everything was — nothing I could afford. And the same is true now that I am old and reasonably well-off. 

Wordle: I got a three all of my own today. The other threes were Rachel, Alexander, and Thomas. Ketki and Mark needed four. Much the same in DC: three for Roger, four for Theo.


  1. Mary Lou11:44 PM

    More and more I only give practical or handmade gifts. I sent my brother a box of home-baked chocolate chip cookies for his 70th birthday, and it was just the thing. He hid them when the grandchildren were coming over for the party!

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The advantage of painkillers, apart from the important reduction in pain, is that one is more able to keep doing the usual daily activities. This keeps the muscles active, and prevents them becoming so weak. Also it's more enjoyable to keep doing the things one loves. Also some types of painkiller work by reducing inflammation, so those ones actually improve the painful condition rather than just stopping one feeling it so much. One is best to take the recommended dose regularly and consistently, or so our experienced GP says
