Thursday, November 09, 2023

Again, a fairly bright day. Helen came and we dealt with some financial papers. Archie came to lunch. We gave him a Thai lamb salad of Nigella’s, well received, and kept back some lamb for Wafa to overcook for herself. She made some pleasant middle-Eastern side dishes. 

I knit onwards. Time to measure again. Time to decide exactly what I’m going to do when I reach armhole height.  

I watched a bit of the latest Fruity Knitting. The main interview is with a man who embroiders on knitting. I think I can skip him. The preliminary interview is about the sheep and the women of Iceland. That was interesting. Fruity Knitting hopes to visit Iceland in person next year.

We received particulars of the carer who will replace Wafa for a fortnight alarmingly soon. She’s from Zimbabwe and looks very nice. But it’s scary. 

I didn’t really finish this, but it’s time for bed. I failed Wordle today, no help from Wafa either. And it wasn’t a funny word. I just failed.



  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I thought Wordle was difficult today because there were lots of choices. I got it on the 6th try. Loretta

  2. Mary Lou1:52 AM

    I got Wordle in five, with luck. Couldn’t find the right consonants. Is Wafa going on cation? It must be difficult to suddenly have new carer to get used to. I hope the adjustment goes smoothly. I am at a deciding point on a top-down raglan. Do I stripe across the shoulders? Wait to stripe until after I divide, and stripe across the chest? What about the sleeves? I always say I don’t do mystery knit alongside, but I guess I do my own mystery knitting!

  3. Karen6:47 AM

    I too failed wordle despite having 3 greens after line 2. Too many options 😔
    I am currently trying to recreate some knitting James Clerk Maxwell did as a boy (search for Mrs Wedderburn’s Abigail). Knitting on 1.34 mm needles with crewel yarn is testing my eyesight and patience.
