Friday, February 02, 2018

Groundhog Day

…and the sun has beamed down from a cold but cloudless sky, all day long.

The big news on the knitting front is that Susan Crawford says she has sent the Vintage Shetland Project to the printers.

Not much news here. I spent the morning gearing myself up for my lunch date, resisted the temptation to call a taxi, and succeeded in walking up Dublin Street to the Portrait Gallery where I had a nice time. Then home and to bed.

I have done a bit more shawl. I am engaged with row 87, and have finished the fourth ball of yarn.


It’s time to begin thinking about projects I would like to buy yarn for in this year’s market.

There is a thread in the EYF Ravelry group called Flash Your Stash. That’s not what people do, however. They show off wonderful things they have knit with yarn bought at previous EYF’s. That’s not stash, that’s FO’s. I am tempted (and I may yet do it) to take the thread at its word – from 2016 I have yarn for Mary Lou’s Bidwell Shawl, and for a shawl of Carol Feller’s. From 2017 I have Blacker’s Samnite yarn (brand new at the time) in a quantity selected for Carol Sunday’s “Nancy’s Vest”.

That’s what I call stash.


Kate Davies has a good post about “styling” her new Shieling Blanket, the latest pattern in the West Highland Way club. “Styling” means taking the sort of pictures you can use to promote a pattern.

She says that hands can be difficult for a knitwear stylist (as I had long thought). Not only for them. My husband and I spent a few days in Milan once, home, more or less, of Leonardo. It was interesting to see in the museum there what difficulties lesser Renaissance artists had with hands when they tried to get the Holy Family together with St Anne and perhaps an angel or two. 


  1. I really enjoyed Kate's post about some of the realities behind those staged shots. And she is right about the blanket - much more than the sum of its parts.

  2. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Good for you, Jean, climbing uphill for your lunch. Now you've got me thinking about hands in Renaissance paintings - will have to take notice. The Shieling blanket is lovely.

  3. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Ground Hog Day her in Toronto was reported by a newscaster who was bitten by the ground hog! Not reported if he saw his shadow or not. Sunny day here so maybe we're in for a shorter Winter?
    Good news on your shawl progress.

  4. The blanket styling post had me laughing. Even with a crew and models the blanket shoot for Drop Dead Easy Knits was a challenge. The last time I fussed with hands doing something I think I got a friend to zip her jacket, or put the bridle on her horse. Barn friends never mind standing outside in the cold!
