Thursday, February 22, 2018

I guess you’d have to say that the funeral was a great success, although the phrase sounds inappropriate. It was a beautiful day, clear blue sky, pretty cold but absolutely still. The dreadful wind turbines on the moor above Alyth weren’t turning. (Wind turbines need their own Hitchcock to make a North-by-Northwest-type movie about them.) There was a good turnout – even the local baronet came, the man who leads the pipe band onto the Bannerfield, with drawn sword, on Games day.

The metrical psalm “The Lord’s My Shepherd” is pretty well obligatory at Scottish funerals. There is a special poignancy about singing it for a shepherd.

The burial ground is a short distance from the church, along the road towards our house. When we first came to Kirkmichael, 53 years ago, there were only two or three graves. Now, a lot of our friends are there, and our grandson, and my husband, and, sooner or later, me. If you know Thornton Wilder’s play “Our Town” you’ll remember the village graveyard. It’s like that. They did that play in Pitlochry decades ago and had me in tears. Even James, aged about seven, said “It makes my eyes prickle”.

We’ll have a good time on the Day of Judgment, standing around talking to each other.

No knitting yesterday, but today I have finished tidying the baby shawl and sewing the open corner. I’m rather pleased with it, and hope I’ll get it blocked tomorrow. I’ll take before-and-after pictures for you. It’s too dark for photography just now.

So I’ll be available for a new WIP just in time for the Calcutta Cup match on Saturday. Perhaps it’s a Sign.

This week’s West Highland Way pattern is a cowl, pleasant enough but not one for my list. Meanwhile the indefatigable KD has turned her “Carbeth” pattern into a cardigan. It’s a short, easy-fitting, cosy number which has become instantly popular in its original, pullover form. The cardigan, especially, is seriously tempting. Two strands of Buachaille held together.


  1. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Yes, the Carbeth cardi is tempting, not sure I have a slot in my wardrobe, or ideal stash, to justify it. Still need to graft and block my stashbusting Carbeth pullover, a success, I think. Scottish Psalter form of Psalm 23 also pretty ensconced at funerals here in Ontario - even for families who tell my minister that they want "nothing religious" in the funeral. It does feel comforting when sung together, and many people seem to know it.

  2. Thinking of you and sending loving thoughts at these challenging times.
    Erin in PA

  3. Funerals can be very sociable occasions, especially where the deceased has led a good life and is full of years.
    My elder sister is deeply rooted in the farming community in West Cumbria. Last winter she and her husband attended seven funerals in as many weeks. Her husband even has a special warm overcoat for these events.

  4. I think a funeral can be beautiful, as Shandy says when the deceased has led a good life and is full of years. Glad to hear the weather cooperated. A clean slate for the Calcutta Cup!

  5. One of my dear friends says that to him Heaven is a warm kitchen, with something good cooking, and filled with the laughter and chatter of family and friends who are reunited at last. I agree with him.
