Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The good news is that the zapper is back with me. It was under the chair I mainly sit in, and I can only suppose that a cat knocked it off the low table where it belongs, and then pushed it there. You were right, Tamar – as ever. Amelia, I tried to reply to you but my reply doesn't seem to have been published: my cleaner speaks mainly Romanian. When we need to communicate about anything precise or complicated, we do it through Helen: both of them speak Greek. That didn’t help, in this case.

Alexander came over this morning. He failed to find the zapper but showed me how to turn the television on with a button on its back.

And then a dear friend came, who can do anything, and found the zapper.

It does encourage me to knit, to have the television wittering on in its corner.

I measured the depth of Alexander’s armhole when he was here, and continue to worry. My feeling is that if I had a bit more positive ease, it wouldn’t matter so much if the armholes were half an inch short. At this point, however, there is nowhere to go but on. I am a couple of rounds further into the current peerie.

It sounds as if Kate Davies is going to have some more knitting for us tomorrow --  and another club in the new year. That’s something to look forward to. And Jared’s new “Holiday 18” collection is cheering. One does rather clutch at straws, this time of year.


  1. Jean, would it work to do half an OXO? Then when you join front to back you have a full one at the shoulder. When I do things like this I usually knit the center row of the pattern on the front only. I then do a three needle bind off using a crochet hook and the background shade, for some reason those stitches barely show.

    And I have to ask, why “Maureen’d”?

  2. Could you not put some filler rows at the top of the shoulder eg K1M KIC just to give yourself that leeway?

    1. Brilliant idea, Maureen. You must have been typing at the same time I was.

  3. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I agree woth Maureen and Shandy, that you should plan somethng at the shoulder to lengthen that armhole. Otherwise you are just going to worry and worry. Either of their ideas seems excellent, and no one will know it wasn't planned that way right from the start.

    Glad the zapper is back!

    Beverly in NJ, where they are threatening sn*w tomorrow.

  4. I am with Maureen on this one - a half OXO may work very well. If you are steeking it you should have no problem at all with this. If you aren't and have not divided for the neck then do the back first and adjust the V accordingly. (Been there, done that.)

  5. "Maureened" comes from the name of a much loved cleaning lady in Connecticut more than 20 years ago. She was (I hope still is) very good at putting things in sensible places where no one could find them.

  6. Kate Davies' post yesterday was incredibly powerful. She is obviously an excellent writer and her blog is a work of art, literary and otherwise, but her post on forgiveness resonated with me in so many ways. She described the process of truly imagining the other person who harmed her as being a fallible human being, the product of his own environment and education. Would that there were more of that kind of thoughtful presence in this world! And yes, I am really looking forward to her next set of designs:)!
