Thursday, December 16, 2021


The Covid numbers are scary.


My grandson Joe in London has it, or so his mother Rachel says. He is in bed with total feebleness (sounds like me). He’s done a home test, and it’s positive. Otherwise he has had no contact with drs, I gather: which presumably means he doesn’t show up on the statistics. I wonder how many other sufferers are in that category?


It was grand having James here. He went off on the train this morning. Apart from anything else, it was a comfort in the ever-encroaching darkness not to have to worry quite so much about falling. For three nights, I could shout for James. He and I got all the way around the garden yesterday; Daniela and I did so again this morning. Maybe I’m a teeny bit stronger?


Almost no knitting, but I did a bit this morning, listening to the new Americast.


YouTube sends me lots of messages about my “friends” these days, half a dozen a day. But nothing from Franklin. Until recently, his were the only messages that came through to my in-box.

1 comment:

  1. We note, on our home testing kit, that you are supposed to log in your results, positive or negative. But better news from the South African peak this morning, suggesting that it will rise rapidly for a while and fall rapidly soon after. No one knows why.
