Saturday, September 24, 2022

 It has been a glorious September day. C. came and we walked all the way around the garden, if only because it would have been a waste of the day’s glory to stop. The radio says this weather won’t last.


Helen will be home from Greece tomorrow, although she is teaching mosaic-making on Monday and Tuesday so I won’t see her for a while.


I knit solidly on with Fergus’ sweater, although I didn’t accomplish very much. There are two broad cabled bands up the sides of the front, over the shoulders, and on down the backs. Between them are the four panels – broad at the front and back, narrow under the arms – in which I plan to locate the Calcutta Cup and the date. I got as far as counting the stitches in each.


I had an exciting few moments this morning when Daniela rang up to say that she couldn’t come because her small son was ill, and a scammer was ringing at the same time to say that my email had been infiltrated, and both land line and telefonino were affected. One day one of those scams will be genuine and then I’ll feel foolish. Or perhaps not.


Wordle: today it was I who fell into the Wordle trap of guessing the first letter wrong.  I thought I was set for a three, and wound up with a miserable five after two wrong guesses. Three for Mark (today’s star), four for Thomas and Rachel, five (like me) for Alexander and Ketki, six for Theo.


  1. Anonymous7:25 PM

    6 for me as well on Wordle. I can't knit until I've solved Wordle each day. Anon Janet in Seattle

  2. 3 for me today. My two starter words gave me all 5 letters! I saw a word almost immediately, entered it, it was right, I was pleased, and then I saw that there was an even more common word I could have chosen . . . I felt very lucky, not smart . . . .

  3. I had a Wordle oddity: one green to two greens to five greens, but no yellows.

  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I managed Wordle in 2 (!) today; for the first time. It was a lucky first try with two greens and one yellow. Then a lucky guess on the second try.
    I'm glad the nice weather is enabling you to walk. And do be careful with the scams, they are annoying, and sometimes very convincing.
    Sarah in Manhattan

  5. =Tamar10:28 PM

    Cold here. Good going on the walk, and the knitting, and being alert to scams. An email breach shouldn't affect a landline anyway!

  6. Just hang up on whoever calls to say your email is hacked.

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    So glad the weather was good for a walk!
    Agree we need to seize those good days before all is grey and cloudy. Sunset seems to be getting earlier so quickly.
    Lisa RR
