Saturday, February 11, 2023


It might be called a day of non-achievement, but it doesn’t feel like it. Scotland beat Wales. The first half was a bit comme ci, comme ca, but we took over in the second.


No walk, no exercise. Daniela wasn’t here, because her small son was ill. He has been having ear aches – that’s not an organ to mess with. Knitting was more than somewhat hampered by the fact that Paradox picked it up at lunchtime today and carried it through to the kitchen. The knitting did fine – no stitches dropped. But the tangled yarn was impressive, and took me most of the match to straighten out. Once that was done, I finished off the rest of the tricky bits of the Calcutta Cup panel. There remains but one row, the top of the elephant, and then four further peaceful rows to finish the panel. And it has been put securely away from paw-reach for the night.


I’ve finished Sense and Sensibility, fairly cheerless to the end, and started re-reading Old Filth by Jane Gardam, which I found in my Kindle library. I remember it only very vaguely. It’s about lawyers, and FILTH is an acronym for Failed in London, Try Hong Kong.


C.’s daughter Christina and her husband Manaba came to see me this morning, with their sons. Here we are.


Wordle: I failed. Two brown vowels from my starter words, and the best I could do was to turn them green, at last, with a Jean-word in line six. Fours and fives elsewhere, except for a brilliant three from Mark. Never mind: Scotland beat Wales.


  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    You & the great grand nephews (have I got that right?) all look great and grand. That is some mighty impressive hair on young Hamish.

    Good job on getting through the Cupmpanel. Can't wait to see it.

    Beverly in NJ

  2. Jane Gardam's husband was a QC back in the day. He came with her to our Festival of Arts Writers' Week one year and I spent a very entertaining day with him while Jane was whisked around four schools to meet students. If you have not read her "Bilgewater" then may I recommend it? They were both very pleasant company.

  3. Very nice photo of you three.

  4. I agree with Elizabeth; nice to how Quinn is growing

  5. =Tamar3:39 AM

    That was kind of Paradox, to give you simple untangling to do while watching a close game instead of tricky fairisle work.

    That's a good picture. Do I spy a Rugby shirt?

  6. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Very cute picture!
