Wednesday, April 05, 2023


Another very pleasant day – but not much knitting.


Helen and I did out care-home visiting. It was perfectly suitable. We put my name on a waiting list (clearly Edinburgh was ready for expensive care homes). But it didn’t exactly inspire enthusiasm.


However, Helen has come up with an idea which might well serve. She and David are planning to make Burnside, in Kirkmichael, their forever home (as cat-adoption websites have it). Alterations will have to be made, beginning with a suitable and water-tight agreement with the neighbours about access. Why don’t they move in here in the meantime?


I’ve certainly got lots of excess space. Helen proposes to leave me my sitting room (with stash cupboard off) and bedroom – they are adjacent, with a connecting door – and take over the rest. She would want to make some changes. She’s brilliant at that. And meanwhile here I would be with my knitting and my cats and someone to shout to at night. It’s certainly a thought, and so far no one has thought of a drawback.  Helen is a great one for taking life by the scruff of the neck, so it might happen.


Meanwhile Mungo and Fergus came to (and cooked) lunch. Mungo had just heard that he has got a scholarship to spend a year in Cairo perfecting his spoken Arabic. He thinks he might like to proceed from there to Georgetown for an advanced degree. So that’s exciting. Americans (me) and his half-American cousins cry out to him to beware the IRS, but he is young and has no money yet and isn't worried. 


In the midst of all this I have knit one (1) scallop. I might or might not get a second one done this evening. So the prospects for completion of the Shetland shawl have to be moved back a day.

KayT: thank you for your gentle reproof (comment yesterday) about my hostility to President Biden. I couldn't explain it, and I'll make things worse if I try. Truman, Reagan, and of course Obama are the presidents I have genuinely liked, in my adult life. Reagan once said to someone when a crisis was impending, "If ?????? happens, wake me up, even if I'm at a cabinet meeting." You've got to love that man.


Wordle: Four for me today. After line three I had ???, ???, grn, grn, grn. A very tempting knitting-related word suggested itself, but it would have been a Jean-word as one of the necessary letters had already been eliminated. I persevered, and got my four. We were spread out, today. There was no other four (could that be right?). Roger, Theo, Ketki, and Rachel needed five. Thomas, Alexander, and Mark skated home with three.


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Jean, the idea of Helen and David moving in sounds wonderful to me. A win - win as they say.
    (No love for Reagan here! But it is probably best to put politics aside and concentrate on knitting and life in general)
    How wonderful to have your grandsons there to cook lunch and visit. Congratulations to Mungo!!
    Lynda (in Massachusetts)

  2. Not really meaning my remark re Biden as a reproof, but more just wondering if you had something specific in mind. You must understand that as one who spent the prior 4 years with **ump, Biden has seemed a paragon of courtesy and honesty to me.

  3. =Tamar11:26 PM

    Helen et al moving in sounds like a good solution. As for the knitting, you had plenty of excitement today.
