Saturday, April 01, 2023


Blast. I have just written you a not-very-interesting blog entry, and while meaning to copy and move it to Blogger, as usual, I seem to have obliterated it. It’s there – identifiable by the date – amongst Recent Documents, but it won’t load. At least I seem to have done the transfer successfully this time. 


The knitting news was that I continue to progress nicely with the scalloped edging of my Shetland shawl. I might even reach the third corner tomorrow. At this rate – if I can solve the problem of how to block it – it should be ready in good time for Rachel to take south with her after her visit here in Easter week.


I got visited by the Legion of Mary today. I suppose I am a sitting duck. It took the form of a pleasant girl from Hong Kong.


Wordle: Roger and I had the only fours today. Alexander and his son Thomas and his sister Rachel all did it in three. Poor Ketki needed five, and Mark – as happens not infrequently – beat us all with a two. My third line was a proper name. Wordle accepted it, which I didn’t expect, and WordleBot congratulated me on it, which I expected even less.


  1. =Tamar3:51 AM

    Windy today, with a brief shower and one clap of thunder. My automatic reminder tells me that it usually is like this in the beginning of April.
    I found a box of unread books and am now dutifully reading them. Only three real stinkers so far, and five winners.
    With such diligence, those scallops will be done in good time.

  2. Mary Lou5:00 PM

    You are zooming along! I wish I were a neighbor, I'd pop over and help block it! And I didn't even know Legion of Mary was still around, never mind that they make house calls!
