Sunday, April 16, 2023

 It has been a grey day: peerless April temporarily submerged. C. and I got to Mass. (=C. got me to Mass.) It’s getting harder every week, but she’s good at it. Then Helen and David came and planted my doorstep.  No knitting. I hope for some this evening. My purchases yesterday rather ran towards vegetables. I must order some pelargoniums (=geraniums) in an emphatic red. I also bought some nasturtium seeds. I’ll be fine if they succeed.


Daniela won’t be here tomorrow. She’s celebrating the Orthodox Easter. I miss her already. My life hinges on Daniela.


There was a note in the parish newsletter this morning to say that the Book Group was about to embark on The Bridge of San Luis Rey. That should be interesting for them theologically. C. doesn’t know it, and I was astonished when I tried to get it for her to find that Amazon, at least, doesn’t have a Penguin Classic edition or something similar. There has been a movie – I didn’t know that – and there were plenty of DVD’s available, and audible versions, and notes for students. I even found a Kindle edition for 50p which I am very happily re-reading myself. Do read it if you haven’t. Or even if, like me, you have. Thornton Wilder.


Wordle: I had a terrible time this morning, and finally slid home with a six, and glad to get it. Mark fared as ill. The usual fours predominated elsewhere, except that Rachel needed five and Ketki had a distinguished three.


  1. Mary Lou10:28 PM

    I squeaked in this morning as well. Whew. I remember reading The Bridge of San Luis Rey in high school, but I have no recollection of the story, except that in involved a priest somewhere in South or Central America. Now I'll have to go look. I forgot Nasturtiums last year, thanks for the reminder!

  2. David Mitchell's novel Cloud Atlas was heavily influenced by The Bridge of San Luis Rey. Hope your nasturtiums grow well - I had a wonderful display in deck planters last summer.

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Now I have to go look it up! Bridges seem to to spark wonderful story ideas. There is also The Bridge on the River Kwai and Bridge of Spies and probably more. We have gone from sunny to gloomy quite a lot lately, too. Chloe
