Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Cold again -- I put the heating on. And a sort of eventful and depressing day. Not least the prospect of next year’s presidential election being a re=run of 2020. Well, perhaps that is the least of my woes, but still depressing. I’ve already got a tee-shirt saying “None of the above” which must be from 2016. It’s hard to see what else CafePress can come up with for next year.


Helen is making no progress with our wretched neighbours over the problem of access to our house in Kirkmichael, and it distresses her, reasonably enough. She wants to live there.


And I have knit two successive pattern rows into the centre of my shawl. I think I am going to try knitting two successive knit rows, to keep the row-count right. Ii’s garter stitch – even I could scarcely have omitted a whole wrong-side row if it were st st.


Thank you for your comments yesterday about my hip. I hope, when my number comes up, that we’ll start with another consultation and not plunge directly into blood counts. Helen thinks the man we saw privately said that the hip might sort of collapse into considerable pain. I don’t remember that, but it is obviously a consideration, if so. It is getting worse – slowly. It's uncomfortable but not terribly painful. I take paracetemol at night. If I lost mobility altogether, I could get a self-propelled wheelchair since we’re all on one level and have generous doorways. I haven’t got much life left, at my age, and begrudge giving some of that little over to terror and (assuming all goes well) convalescence, just so that I can walk across to Drummond Place Garden. But it would, on the other hand, be nice to be able to do that, and to cook.


Wordle: Never such a day! I was very glad to scrape home with a six. Rachel, Ketki, and Alexander all failed! The stars were Mark, with a four, and Theo, with a five. No news from Roger yet. Thomas scored six, like me. Every single one of us, except Theo – the failures and the scrapers-home alike --  got stuck with ???, grn, ???, grn, grn. There were simply too many possible words.






  1. Mary Lou6:36 PM

    Six for me, today, as well. I am sorry to hear that the negotiations are not going well for Helen. Why are people so stubborn about these things.

  2. Yes, far too many possibilities in Wordle today. I failed.

  3. Re the access - would it be possible to access your property another way - create a new driveway at another location on your property? or is your property blocked by theirs to any street?

    I dont know what the rules are in terms of where you can put a driveway on a property but here it doesnt matter. if there is any other location for access by driveway i would suggest pursuing that

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Personally, Jean, I think it is a crime that you are made to wait so long for your doctor’s appointment since each month there is likely to be more deterioration. I think it is a sign, sadly, of the increasing scarcity of doctors. It only takes about 6 years, I think, to become a lawyer and about 12 to achieve a specialty in medicine…Going back a bit, little TV retrospectives on Dame Edna’s life showed someone who was not obese, as I had surmised. I think I assumed it because of the generosity, shall we say, of her chins. I only remember seeing close-ups of her face when she was being interviewed. Sounds like your six in Wordle was a triumph. Chloe

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Glad, Jean that your private doctor visit turned out to be a good investment after all. If only for a few less months to have to wait. Every week even, counts. Your great-grandson and his blanket are both adorable. I think Freddie is a very endearing name. Chloe
