Tuesday, July 19, 2022


It’s hot – almost too hot to knit comfortably. Today is said to be the worst of it.


I got four rounds of legwarmer done – 41 patterned rows to go, plus some stripes and the final single-colour ribbing. Another thing which makes this knitting tedious (besides the small circumference) is that two of the colours are practically indistinguishable. They’re called Blue and Turquoise which makes them sound a good deal more different than they are. The rare rows of lime green come like a drink of cool water.

(Image from Jamieson and Smith)


Wordle: everybody did it in three today, including Thomas who has rejoined the party, and including Rachel in London. My first starter word gave me three browns. My second gave me nothing at all, except to eliminate five letters, Then I tackled the anagram, and got the answer. If I’d tackled it earlier, I might have scored two. Lesson for the future, perhaps.


Helen came. We got across to the garden and sat about there for a while. She is going to Greece for a family holiday at the end of the week.


Here is a picture of my great-grand-kittens. There are four kittens visible. Finding them is like one of those puzzles.


  1. You have hot - we have record breaking - we are 8 miles due south of Coningsby which broke the record today - 40.3. Thank goodness it is supposed to be easier tomorrow - the dog is hating it, and we are merely coping.

  2. Mary Lou11:23 PM

    The photo of feet in snow seems heavenly right about now! We had 40MPH wind gusts today, and it only felt hotter! I had to put my almost finished linen top aside for a deadline knit, this one in wool. It’s a cowl, so not too heavy, but still…

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I imagine most people in Scotland and other mostly cool climes do not have air-conditioning and even here in the U.S., which must make it even worse. Be sure to drink plenty of water even if you don’t feel thirsty. Chloe

  4. The headband would also lend itself nicely to calcutta cup knitting and the circumference is bigger than the legwarmers o are making.
