Monday, October 24, 2022


Helen came, and we walked around the garden. She’s not in Kirkmichael at all – not until Wednesday. It was a lovely, mild, sunny day with glorious autumn colours even if not New England.


And the knitting went well. I’m about halfway through the second cabled section. That means that the difficult bits are done – picking up the right number of stitches, knitting them correctly in the return row into columns of knits and purls, ready for the cables. To my eye, so far, these cable panels don’t fit very harmoniously into the rest. There's nothing wrong with them -- they just don't seem to make overall sense. We shall see. Janice (comment yesterday) I do approve of your idea of rushing ahead to do one of the travelling stitch strips in Clue Three, in time for this week's Clue Four, before finishing Clue Two. I am the very Blind Follower EZ obviously had in mind, so I couldn’t do something like that. If my anticipated week weren’t so complicated – you’ll see, as it unfolds – I might have started on one of those strips myself before Thursday.


So we’ve got a new Prime Minister. I like him, and am hopeful. Helen disapproves because he is very rich, and his wife is richer by many multiples.


Wordle: We found it easier today. Ketki was out in front with two. (I’ve never scored two.) Alexander, Mark and Theo had three, Thomas and I four. The two Rachels, daughter and granddaughter, were the laggards: five for the younger, six for the elder. Mary Lou, it’s interesting what you say (comment yesterday) about forgetting the word you used successfully. I find – and I think others do as well – that one’s titanic struggles with Wordle are almost all instantly forgotten. I have taken to writing down each day’s word, with my score, on my iPad. It’s sometimes interesting.




  1. I like your idea of keeping track of the day's word in Wordle; I agree that it's forgotten at once and then sometimes when I read your comments later in the day I can't remember what my score was or what the word was. I do remember today's score as it was a 6! Awful! (but what was that word?)

  2. Mary Lou1:38 AM

    I might agree with Helen on this one. I don’t know much about him other than working with hedge funds and pushing for cryptocurrency, which would cause me to be highly skeptical.

  3. Anonymous1:51 AM

    I am not a UK voter, but I worry that this new PM is even more disconnected from "regular" people than usual with such politicians due to his huge wealth. He is not going to know about how to find deals at the supermarket or how to access a homeless shelter ... but he does likely know about tax avoidance.
    It's a problem in many countries including Canada. Our mayors, premiers of provinces, prime ministers - generally very very privileged.

    I'm looking forward to your next shawl KAL photo!
    Lisa RR

  4. Helen probably knows about these but other readers may find it interesting. Found serendipitously on twitter.
