Wednesday, October 05, 2022


Pleasant weather, again; and Helen and I got all the way around the garden, again. She is going away on Friday, this time to Spain, theoretically for the last foreign jaunt of ’22, as yet another old friend turns 60.


I got on well with Fergus’ sweater. No disasters, today. I am within a round or two of finishing the second skein. I hope I’ll have the oomph to do it this evening, especially because the MKAL cast-on is scheduled for tomorrow and the sweater is sure to be set aside for a while. But I tend to be distinctly lacking in evening-oomph.


I am much struck with Brooklyn Tweed’s new pattern called Spalding (which I find an instantly forgettable name), a unisex half-brioche which looks enormously comfortable. I have a dying sweater in that stitch. I am not sure whether it has been eaten to death by moths or is it just that my seams have fallen apart? Or both. It’s in a Madeleine Tosh DK’ish yarn and is blissfully warm and comfortable. Just what we’re going to need this winter. I am all the more drawn to Spalding because BT offers both a worsted-spun and a woollen-spun yarn for it, and thanks to a spinning class I once did at the EYF – I was undoubtedly the class dunce that day – I have retained at least a vague knowledge of the meaning of those two terms.


Wordle: not everybody turned up today. Those of us who did mostly got three, except for Theo who scored four. He often posts at what must be midnight in DC.



  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    to help you remember the name: Spalding is a brand of tennis ball

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    That is a very nice sweater! & yes, I forgot the name between reading it here and going to look on Ravelry!

    I'm starting the Stephen West KAL on Friday. Should be fun!

    Beverly in NJ

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Whenever you have a chance to post occasional photos of the MKAL shawl, I'm really looking forward to living vicariously.
    It's going to be fun! Bright colours as the days get darker.
    Keep well, Lisa RR

  4. =Tamar4:29 AM

    I like the neck design but I think I would prefer it in a stronger color.
