Friday, August 05, 2022

 Helen and I got around the garden again. I think we’ve reached the point where it can be said to be a good week. James and Cathy’s younger daughter Kirsty is here for a bit of Festival Fringe – I will walk with her tomorrow.


Today’s knitting time has been devoted, pretty well entirely, to trying on the new Evendoon – which I completely forgot to photograph. As far as we could tell, everything is all right. I spent a tedious hour getting the stitches back on the needle, and am forging ahead. The moment of separating off the sleeve stitches (I’m knitting top-down) is not far off.


I have heard from Misa Hay that the new issue of Shetland Wool Adventure is ready for dispatch. What I can’t remember is whether I ordered and paid for it, or just noted it as something I would like to have. Time will tell if I just sit tight.


Cats: thank you for your comments. I can assure you that unplanned motherhood is rare among the cats of the Second New Town, and perfectly ordinary kittens sell for big bucks on Gumtree. I went to a shelter once – why on earth? – and there were no kittens there. There is a belief to which I tend to subscribe – I am sure it would be fiercely denied by our vet – that the personality of a cat who has had a litter of kittens is less radically affected by spaying. Certainly poor Perdita (who has never known motherhood) is a much reduced creature since her operation. Although we still love her the best.


Wordle: Four for Alexander and Thomas. Both of them lept straight from one coloured tile to the right answer. Ketki and I both needed five, and Mark required all six. Rachel in London, harassed no doubt by the need to pack for a holiday in France, reached the same point I did on line three: two greens at the beginning of the word and one at the end. It defeated her.


  1. I got today's wordle by the skin of my teeth; my first two starter words had no green or orange letters, and the third had only two.
    Kittens used to be in short supply around here in Sussex too; I don't know about nowadays.

  2. Mary Lou9:02 PM

    I got it in 4 today, surprising since my first two words had no green or orange. I was in NJ for a funeral and came home with Covid. Currently isolating in the third floor. At least there is knitting.

  3. =Tamar5:29 AM

    Perhaps there would be some kittens in the village near your family cottage.
    I have observed that many cats change personality as they age, neutered or not. My friend's cat was extremely skittish both before and after spaying, but as it ages toward 15 or 16, it has become astonishingly cuddly.
