Sunday, January 15, 2023

 A good, constructive day. C. came and got me, and we went to the early Mass. Then, back here, she did the washing up from Archie’s cooking yesterday (since nobody professional comes in to help on Sundays). Not long after she left, I got to work on the third package in my Mindful Chef order, and finished it, slowly and laboriously. Mindful Chef meals are terribly healthy – lots of veggies, no refined carbohydrates (brown rice, brown pasta, very few white potatoes). And after my lunch, so constituted, and a nap, I did some knitting.


The more significant for being done in the afternoon. Not much was achieved, but I did finish a skein and wind and attach the next one. In recent months, I've knit only in the morning, despite frequent resolutions to do better.


I neglected to mention the other day that I have become one of Franklin’s patrons after all. He’s in the middle of showing us how to knit a crazy quilt. Of but small interest to me, except that Franklin is always interesting. I’m still a Fruity Knitting patron but don’t rush to watch it the way I used to.


Comments, yesterday: Chloe, “The Moon’s a Balloon” (David Niven's autobiography, which Amazon commentators accuse of name-dropping.) It looks good. I’ll bear it in mind for my next read. My father, early in his journalistic career, was a Hollywood reporter, which might enhance it somewhat. The stars all sent him Christmas cards which my mother forwarded to her brother then in college. I doubt if he kept them. He became a lawyer. Much later in life – they lived in Dallas – his wife, our very dear Aunt Louise, was at the lunch which President Kennedy’s motorcade never reached. I hope she kept the menu.


Elizabeth, I’ll have a serious look at Wiltshire Foods. I agree that it’s very useful to have frozen backups. One can’t hobble around the kitchen chopping onions for an hour and a half every day.


Wordle: four today. I felt – continue to feel – terribly guilty about yesterday. When, today, my starters yielded one green and three browns, I struggled only briefly before submitting a Jean-word – that means, one that can’t be right for one reason or another. In this case, it omitted one of the browns. But I was also saying to God – Look! I’m not cheating! As often, it proved very useful: three greens, and I still had that extra brown up my sleeve.


Everybody else found it relatively easy too. Big Rachel and Theo were the stars, with two each. Roger and Ketki were the laggards with five. Threes and fours elsewhere. 


  1. I'm excited about Franklin's crazy quilt simply because I'm now babysitting my grandson's several days a week and was looking for a project that would challenge me just enough not to be boring but that could be a small, easy to work on pattern. Garter stitch intarsia seems to be a good fit. I'm glad you have joined and hope you can catch the Live from the Workrooms from time to time. I don't make it very often, since DD works a lot of weekends and I'm usually babysitting, but I enjoy just sitting and listening to Franklin talk.

  2. An amazing Wordle today: my first starter gave me two greens; my second starter gave me the other three greens! So, solution in three!

  3. =Tamar9:41 PM

    Wow, you have been active! Good going on the knitting and cooking the same day.
    I read Niven's autobiography back then and enjoyed it despite the name-drops. If you have met someone, why not mention them?
    Re the cards: If he was clever he might have kept the cards to sell for the autographs.
    I recently read advice for people who struggle with meals - get foods you like that don't need much prep, like pre-cut fruit and veg that can be eaten raw, nuts, sliced cheese, etc, and put them on a tray in the refrigerator. Then when it's time, take the tray out and nibble. It makes the meal easy. Ideally they don't need to be in dishes, just on the tray. Or use disposable paper bowls.

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Did you see Ben Fogle’s Sacred Scottish Islands programme this morning? He was on Barra wearing his fisherman’s gansey and talking to islanders about its history.

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Jan, North York’s aka knitalot.

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Thank you, Tamar. If most of your friends are celebrities, who else are you going to write about? Jean, you prompted me to check the American version of Amazon reviews. Both “johnf” and “Book Woman” combined give the whole picture in my opinion. I loved the book the first time round for his writing style, his hilarious anecdotes, his description of his English youth, AND his name-dropping. The book is still in print for a reason. However, once read, now many decades later, I didn’t get drawn into it when I tried to read it again. Past its prime? Or is it just good as a first-time read. Maybe just borrow from the library? Franklin, however, is very current and I will have to investigate his…podcast, is it? Glad you had such a fruitful day! Chloe
