Saturday, January 14, 2023

 Light! In fact, rather brighter than before. Helen came yesterday evening with a new bulb, and inserted it. There is something to be said for age and feebleness – namely, in this case, that no one expects you to do it yourself. In a fitting like this one, where the light hangs down from the ceiling, there is the considerable danger – if it’s a bayonet fitting, as it usually is – that you put the new bulb in and climb down and turn it on, and it falls out with predictable results. When I was young, we didn’t have bayonet fittings in the US – at least, I never saw one. Nowadays?


So when Archie came today, that was already done. I set him to work cooking the longest and most complicated of the Mindful Chef meals I had just bought. I sat at the kitchen table barking instructions. It was fun. He did a good job. I had a tasty lunch, and there is enough left over for another meal.


Elizabeth (comment yesterday) I think I’ve seen ads for Wiltshire Farm Foods but have never considered them closely. I’ll look again. For frozen meals, I order from Cook but their offerings are beginning to seem rather same-y. Under Helen’s influence, perhaps, I am getting more and more pescatarian, although I wish there were another word for that kind of eating. I like cooking-from-fresh, and being made to move around the kitchen, although I didn’t do much of that today.

Enid (comment yesterday), Yes! We are remembering the same film. It is somewhat enhanced, I think, by the fact -- I hope it's a fact -- that David Niven was working in Hollywood when the war started, and went home and signed up. Other English actors did not. I must now contrive somehow to see it again. 


No knitting, alas.


Wordle: my starter words this morning gave me two green vowels. I spent a lot of time over it and could think of no possible word – plenty with four letters, a couple of near-misses, but nothing that actually qualified. I grumbled to Archie (not a Wordler) and he looked it up on a wicked website and told me the first letter. It was easy from there. I’m not sure I would have got it, and I am very sorry (although not surprised) to know that there is such a website. Three’s for Alexander, Thomas, and Mark. Four’s elsewhere. I won’t tell you my score because I cheated; I hope I’ll never do that again.


  1. =Tamar7:38 PM

    I think some sewing machine lights have bayonet fittings, or used to. With all the new kinds of bulbs being made, probably some other types of lamps do now.
    Yes, David Niven went back to England to fight in WW2.
    When it comes to cooking, I prefer to "do the heavy looking on". Lucky you to have Archie as a willing sous-chef!

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Having a very tall son helps with the light bulb changing problem, I've been relegated to holding the torch if it's dark!

    Sarah in Somerset

  3. Mary Lou1:53 AM

    I have seen both the UK and Hollywood versions of that film. I imagine I rented a video at some point. I hope you can find it. I’m a fan of WWll films, and David Niven in Spitfire is a good one.

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    David Niven’s autobiography The Moon’s a Balloon is a very good read if anyone has not already read it. Entertaining, intelligent and sometimes very funny. Chloe

  5. I'm having just a tiny boast....I got Wordle in 2 today!!
    Wiltshire Foods have a very good brochure which tells you all the different portion sizes, types pf meal (hearty, gluten free, pulverised etc) If you prefer to cook from scratch, as I did, they are good to have as a backstop.

  6. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Congratulations on getting Wordle in two Elizabethd! I did that once and was happy for the moment…then realized I was finished for the day and there was a bit of a let down.
