Thursday, March 16, 2023

 Poor Paradox is still at the vet’s, recovering, I hope, from being spayed. Helen will bring her home soon, if all is well. Perdita has much enjoyed being The Cat again, and has even stopped looking anxiously over her shoulder. And I am feeling rather drained, after Monday’s ordeal, and suffering in anticipation for Paradox.


But knitting has progressed somewhat in the midst of all this. The lacy rounds on the borders of the Shetland hap shawl are now finished. There are four or five plain rounds to be done – including two or three purl rounds – and then I’m set fair. There’ll be lots of counting, and a decrease round of all things, and then only the edging to be knit on, which I love.


Rachel and Ed will be here in early-ish April – the baby is due in late-ish April. It would be nice to have the shawl finished and blocked for them to take back to London with them, but I don’t think that will quite work and I hate knitting to a deadline so I won’t think about it.


….Paradox is home, active and agitated. I’ve got antibiotic pills which I am to administer from tomorrow morning, grinding them up in a mortar and pestle. And also a painkiller. That one is liquid and has to be injected, so to speak, into cat food. A long life led in close conjunction with cats suggests that administering medicaments can’t be done, but I’ll try.  


Wordle: widely differing scores today. Alexander and Mark were the stars, with three. I had five, Roger six, poor daughter-Rachel failed, with no fewer than four unsuccessful attempts at ???, grn, grn, grn, grn. I can only think of two possible words from that position, apart from the correct one. Fours elsewhere.


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Jean, my cats are indifferent to the liquid medicine when added to food. For pills, I use the pill pockets, which -- miraculously -- work.

  2. Mary Lou9:19 PM

    I got Wordle in six today, lucky guess or I would have failed. Nice to be almost at the part of the knitting you enjoy!

  3. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Wordle in three and I thought to myself « now that is a Jean-word »! Joan in Brittany

  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

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