Thursday, March 10, 2022


A good day. Daniela and I got around the garden. Wordle in five, which is about the norm for me. Maybe I’m happier not joining Alexander’s group with its daily witness of how much cleverer everybody else is. Queer Joe got it in four, and posted his grid on Facebook. Maybe he does that every day – I’ll start watching.


And I’ve cast off the Aroon. The next thing is to inspect my button (and needle, and thread) collection. I think I can face up to that, at least, this evening. I keep my wool needle close to hand – it has a usefully not-straight tip, and was given me by a friend --  but that’s no use here. I want a small pearl-type button with which I won’t have to worry about the colour of the thread.


I had a delivery today from Valvona and Crolla, a distinguished Italian delicatessen no longer within my walking range. (I have a friend who saw Princess Anne in there once.) Its website leaves something to be desired, but I navigated it at last, and am very pleased with my purchases. One of them was some nduja, a soft, spicy Calabrian sausage. I bought some in situ when Archie and I were in Reggio Calabria to see the Riace bronzes. Once I had my delivery from V&C I began to wander around the web wondering what to do with it, other than spreading it on crackers, which is delicious. And what should I find but a pasta sauce consisting, effectively, of nothing but nduja and wild garlic! The wild garlic in Drummond Place Garden is nearly ready to be harvested, so I look forward to that.


Think of the outraged howls which will go up on the day when Wordle’s word is “nduja”! But my spelling checker recognises it.


I also bought a huge and beautiful globe artichoke, which will be my supper tonight.


Tamar, encouraged by your approval, I am regularly doing a set of five sits-to-stand when I find myself sitting on the side of the bed. -- two or three times a day. You’re certainly right, that the muscles I mean to exercise, hip and knee, are the ones employed. Can’t do any harm.




  1. I have seen njuda in the Italian deli, but haven't tried it. Next visit. I could happily eat most of my meals spreading things on crackers.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Yay for you, Jean, with the sit-to-stands. I'm so grateful for your blog and its commenters, for the introduction to Strong Women Stay Young. I've acquired the hand and ankle weights, am two sessions in, and likely to stick with it.

  3. I got a copy of Strong Women Stay Young too, thank you. My Dr. is concerned about osteoporosis for me, and this exercise is supposed to help with that. I'm only on chapter 3 though...

  4. I'm leaving on exercise bandwagon and have sent off for a copy!

  5. I'm leaping on the exercise bandwagon and have sent off for a copy!

  6. I'm so glad I mentioned the book! I'm two months in and am beginning to see a difference in my balance. The key, I think, is to do what you can and try to build on it.
